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Dramatization of Hindi Chapter by class VII

दिनांक:-14/7/21 को कला एकीकरण गतिविधि के अंतर्गत सातवीं कक्षा के छात्रों ने वीर बालक पाठ का नाटक मंचन किया। जिसमें छात्रों ने अपनी  प्रतिभा का परिचय देते हुए  पात्रों  के चरित्र को जीवंत कर  कथा के उद्देश्य को स्पष्ट किया और ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि को जानने में रुचि दिखाई।

English Calligraphy Competition

"Calligraphy is the flower of man's soul."

English Calligraphy Competition for Class II was held on16th July'21. The purpose of this competition was to encourage the children to write neatly in the given time and inculcate the habit of good handwriting among students. Children participated enthusiastically in the competition.

Hindi Poem Recitation by class II

वाचन कौशल को निखारने, बच्चों का आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाने तथा मातृभाषा के प्रति रूचि को बढ़ावा देने के उद्देश्य से कक्षा दूसरी के छात्र छात्राओं के लिए हिंदी कविता वाचन का आयोजन किया गया । बच्चों ने उत्साहपूर्वक विभिन्न कविताओं को हाव भाव सहित प्रस्तुत किया । सभी बच्चे कविता वाचन के लिए उत्साहित दिखाई दिए ।

Posters Making on Youth Skill Day

To focus on strategic importance of equipping young people with skills of employment and decent work. World Youth Skill Day is celebrated every year to mark incredible resilience and adaptability in the face of global pandemic.

In order to spread awareness about acquisition of skills by youth, MMPians made vibrant and informative posters to empower themselves to know about changing labour market pattern and viable employment opportunities.

The activity was productive as it helped students to gain knowledge about technical, vocational education and training.

Celebration of National Reading Day, Week and Month by Primary Students

“Do you know if you read just 15 minutes a day, in one year you will have read over 1,000,000 words?”

To honour the father of the Library Movement, the late P.N. Panicker, 19th June was celebrated as Reading Day and the following week, month as the Reading Week and Reading Month...

The 26th National Reading Day was celebrated on 19th June 2021, the following week as Reading Week and Reading Month will be celebrated from 19th June to 18th July 2021.

Students were explained the importance of reading and how reading is helpful in gaining knowledge. They were also explained this skill reduces stress and anxiety, stimulates creativity and improve communication skills. Students actively participated in reading sessions and workshops organised by teachers. Reading competitions were organised for various levels.

Poster making by students on Population Day

To focus on urgency and importance of population issues World Population Day is celebrated with theme to highlight Rights and Choices of individuals.

The special day throws light on the issue that may rise on the planet with constant rise in population. To add richness to the special day MMPians depicted their artistic skills by making vibrant and colourful posters to spread awareness about family planning, gender equality, human rights and maternal health issues etc.

The activity not only put forth creativity of students but also helped them to understand difficulties created by overpopulation and how it can harm the ecosystem and progress of humanity.

Witness the Activity Gallore of Pre - Primary students.

MMPS is taking lead in designing Fun- Filled and joyful learning academic & non-academic experiences for children. This is providing Social & Emotional support to the students & is also ensuring their overall holistic wellbeing and mindful engagement. These activities will also ensure that the Learning continues unabated using plethora of innovative approaches and will further hone and nurture little ones 21st century skills effectively.

Poster making on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution affects the health and behaviour of people in a number of ways. If not controlled, the consequences of it could be more dangerous and worrying in the near future.  To create awareness about the harmful effects of loud noise, poster making activity was conducted in the school where children not only made informational posters but also discussed with the teacher on how they can make changes to stop noise pollution.

Air Experiment by II class students

Air is the most important element of life, that's why children of class II learnt about air and its characteristics. Children performed various experiments on air and learned through first-hand experience. They were first told the characteristics and then were shown its practical applications.

Role Play Activity

Let's take a trip down the memory lane to The Mughal Empire.

To plan for historical enquiry about Mughal Empire and to aware learners about policies and ruling kingdoms during that time, A ROLE PLAY activity was conducted with the students of class- Vll.  The students enthusiastically and passionately participated in the activity by playing the role of different emperors of The Mughal Empire and indulged themselves in core discussion about Mughal food and architecture.

All in all, the activity was engaging and productive as it helped students to grasp about culture, heritage and rulers of medieval history.