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To kindle a sense of responsibility towards contributing to societal welfare, students of Eco Club visited Roti Bank of Prashant Vihar on Friday, 27th December 2024 under the project SDG-2 ‘Zero Hunger’ under the guidance of their teacher.

The students actively participated in the drive, contributing a variety of nutritious items to Roti Bank. This educational excursion aimed to expose students to the commendable efforts of the NGO in addressing food insecurity.

The experience broadened their perspectives towards societal welfare. The visit to Roti Bank stands as a testament to the transformative power of education when coupled with compassionate action.

Christmas Celebration with a Philanthropic Activity

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

Student members of SWAS CLUB celebrated their Christmas with underprivileged children of Shubh Shiksha Educational Society, an NGO on 24th December’ 2024.

They gave gifts and cards to them spreading love, joy, and warmth which brought joy and life to their small get together. They also sang Christmas carols to welcome baby Jesus. This activity was a mark of community engagement program as well as act of kindness to lighten up the Christmas vibes.

Diwali Celebration at Blind School

To make this Diwali a meaningful gesture of love and care towards blind children, students of class VIII celebrated Diwali at Akhil Bhartiya Netrahin Sangh on 25th October 2024.

Blind school children set up the array of stalls with handcrafted candles, diyas etc. representing remarkable talent and dedication. MMPians purchased things to make the blind children feel self-reliant and appreciated their efforts and craftsmanship.

The visit was a valuable experience, enhancing our students' understanding of inclusivity and compassion. Through such interactions, they learned the significance of empathy and the joy of supporting others, leaving a lasting impact on everyone involved.



To instill a sense of responsibility towards contributing to societal welfare, students of Eco Club visited Roti Bank on Wednesday, 11 September 2024 under the project SDG-2 ‘Zero Hunger’ under the guidance of their teacher.

The students actively participated in a food donation drive, contributing a variety of nutritious items to Roti Bank. This educational excursion aimed to expose students to the commendable efforts of the NGO in addressing food insecurity, instilling in them a deeper understanding of the importance of community service.

The experience not only broadened their perspectives but also kindled a sense of responsibility towards societal welfare. The visit to Roti Bank stands as a testament to the transformative power of education when coupled with compassionate action.
#MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinpitampura #RotiBank #fooddonationdrive #ngo #CommunityService#socialwelfare #ZeroHungerZeroWaste #SDGs #EcoClub #SDG2 #bestschoolinactivities

Silver Level Award in School Enterprise Challenge 2023

Silver Level Award in School Enterprise Challenge 2023

With great pleasure, we announce the attainment of the SILVER LEVEL AWARD in the School Enterprise Challenge 2023, bestowed by the international NGO 'TEACH A MAN TO FISH'. This organization collaborates with educators and young people worldwide to establish youth-led enterprises that are both educational and profitable.

The certificate, issued by the esteemed CEO & Founder of the NGO, Mr. Nik Kafka, recognizes the winning business concept of 'DENIM REVIVE', which champions sustainability in fashion. This student-driven initiative focuses on repurposing and revitalizing denim garments, with the aim of reducing textile waste and promoting eco-conscious consumer behaviour.

Honorable Principal Ma’am Mrs. Rooma Pathak congratulated the students for their innovative business idea and the prestigious award won on the global platform.

#MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinactivities #bestschoolinpitampura #schoolenterprisechallenge #silverlevel #sustainability #Congratulations

Recognition of Honorable Principal Ma’am Mrs. Rooma Pathak

It was a moment brimming with pride as our esteemed Principal, Mrs. Rooma Pathak, conferred with a remarkable recognition on 9 January 2024 by the Navjyoti India Foundation (Towards Self-Reliance), a NGO run by esteemed Dr. Kiran Bedi, for her enduring support and dedication for making students self- reliant through child education, skill development, and community empowerment in the year 2023-24.

This accolade stands as a testament to her exceptional leadership and relentless pursuit of excellence for both students and the community.

#Congratulations #ngo #navjyotiindiafoundation #KiranBedi #selfreliance #childeducation #MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinactivities #bestschoolinpitampura #bestschoolinnorthdelhi👏👏🎉🎉



"If you can’t feed a hundred people then feed just one”

 To provide nutritious foods to those who cannot afford and imbibe the philanthropic values among our students, students of classes VI to VIII under the guidance of their teacher visited Roti Bank of Prashant Vihar on Friday, 8 December 2023 under the project SDG-2 Zero Hunger.

This insightful trip provided the students with a firsthand experience of the NGO's noble efforts in addressing food insecurity. The visit not only enriched their understanding of community service but also inspired a sense of responsibility towards contributing to societal welfare. `

During the visit, students also interaction with Mr. Rajesh Garg, Ex. MLA and founder of Roti Bank and shared their views and thoughts with him.

Visit To temple for food donation by SWAS Club


“Charity isn’t about pity, it is about love”

To inculcate the moral value of food donation for the poor, among the young ones, SWAS  Club organised a visit to Sai Baba Mandir  located in located in Sec-7, Rohini and Kali Mata Mandir, located in Sec-3, Rohini of all the students of Classes VII A, B, C and D  on 9th, 11th,  and 16thJuly, 2019 respectively. Students brought biscuits, fruits and extra lunch pack from home and distributed to the poor children over there. People appreciated the efforts of the school. Students learnt the lesson that nobody becomes poor by  giving.

Food Donation Drive by SWAS Club

“No One, Nowhere, At No Time, Should Go Hungry”

To inculcate the moral value of sharing, SWAS Club took an initiative and helped poor hungry people by donating food to them. All the students of Class   IV A, B, and C and V A, B and C visited “Sai Baba Mandir “on April 11th,16th,18th, 23rd ,25th and 30th 2019 respectively. They distributed eatables like biscuits, fruits, juices, sweets etc. among the poor. The message to students through this activity was to feed every hungry person whomsoever they meet.  

A Visit to Blind School by SWAS Club

In order to create awareness about the noble cause of helpfulness, a visit to Akhil Bhartiya Netraheen Sangh, Raghubir Nagar was conducted by SWAS CLUB on 29th August 2018. The Students of IX A and IX D gave biscuits, fruits, uncooked rice and pulses packets to the specially abled children. Students were impressed by the aptitude of these children when they saw how they were playing the music and studying with the help of brail script. Thus the visit proved to be inspirational for the MMPIANS.

Rally on Save Girl Child, Educate Girl Child by SWAS Club

To spread awareness about save girl child, a rally on Save Girl Child, Educate Girl Child was organised by the volunteers of SWAS Club on Thursday, 12th July, 2018. They took rounds in the surrounding areas i.e. Sandesh Vihar, Lok Vihar and Shakurpur area and created awareness through the slogans like 'A girl is nature's beauty, saving her is our duty' and 'Beti bachao, Beti padhao, India ko swarg banao' etc. Charvi Vats and Bharti of Class XI F gave a speech on the same topic in the assembly in which they insisted that girls are not lesser than boys in any field.They cited the examples of Ms. Kalpana Chawla, Ms. Indira Nooyi and Dr. Kiran Bedi. Aditya Yadav of class XI E recited a poem on the theme, Female Foeticide - A Crime. All in all it was a social awareness campaign in which students participated enthusiastically and were successful in imparting the message of Save Girl Child.

Visit to Old Age Home by SWAS Club

Appreciate your parents, you never know what sacrifices, they went through for you

Emphasising on the same motive, SWAS  Club encouraged Class XI E and F students to see elderly people at  Shiv Asharay an old age home located in Rohini ,on 11 May, 2018. They prepared greeting cards and presented an idol of lord Shiva to them. They recited heart-touching songs for them and danced with them.  Students took cake in order to pay respect to them .Not only this Bharti and Charvi of class XI gave a mesmerizing speech . All came back with tears in their eyes and  took a commitment, to take care of their parents throughtout the  life.

Visit to Temple for food donation by SWAS Club

In order to inculcate the moral value of sharing and caring among each and every child, SWAS CLUB encouraged IX A, IX B, IX C, and IX D on 3rd May, 8th May, 10th May and 14th May 2018 respectively to visit Sai Baba Mandir, Rohini. Students brought biscuits, fruits and lunch pack for distributing to poor children. In fact it was an inspirational act for the young children.

Each One Teach One by SWAS Club

"In Teaching Others We Teach Ourselves"

In order to inculcate the value of helpfulness, the students of Class XI E & F were encouraged to teach the kids of Navjyoti Foundation Bawana (an NGO run by Dr. Kiran Bedi ) on 27th April 2018. Charvi Vats taught Nouns to improve their efficiency in English language. Prerna and Muskan Garg taught the tricks of Maths, whereas Rohan and Rhythm explained about plains, mountains, rivers etc. Sakshi and Prachi also gave tips of remaining healthy by showing a chart on healthy habits. Not only this, Bharti and Yash Kamra also described the moral values to be followed in day to day life. Thus the children of Navjyoti Foundation were very happy and contented by the efforts of our students.

Visit To temple for food donation by SWAS Club

"Charity isn't about pity, it is about love"

To inculcate the moral value of food donation for the poor, among the young ones, SWAS  Club organised a visit to Sai Baba Mandir  located in Rohini of all the students of Classes VIII A, B, C and D  on 12th,19th, 23rd and 26th April 2018 respectively. Students brought biscuits, fruits and extra lunch pack from home and distributed to the poor children over there. People appreciated the efforts of the school. Students learnt the lesson that nobody becomes poor by  giving.

Helping the brethren (Donation of stationery items)

Helping the brethren (Donation of stationery items)

"Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others."

Carrying the above said golden principle the students of whole school contributed stationery items to help the underprivileged children of NavJyoti Foundation, an N.G.O run by Dr. Kiran Bedi in the month of January 2018. They enthusiastically donated pens, pencils, crayons, pastel sheets, drawing sheets and notebooks etc. It was an incredible effort made by Swas Club to inculcate the values of helping the poor students.

Food Donation by Class V and SWAS Club

"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."

To inculcate the moral value of sharing with others SWAS CLUB took an initiative to take the children of all sections of class V on different dates in the month of January to SAI BABA MANDIR, Rohini for the donation of food items for the poor children. Students learnt that giving not only provides soceital  respect but also innate satisfaction which is of most value. 

Visit to Orphanage by SWAS Club

The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.

To make the students aware about the value of parents in life the school organized a visit to Asharan Orphanage, Surya Enclave, Delhi on 31st October 2017 for the students of class VIII. It is truly said that you realize the value of the things when you become deprived of it. The students participated overwhelmingly. The visit not only persuaded the students to respect their parents but they also developed a soft corner for the orphans who did not have any comfort or luxuries in their lives.

MMPians lend a helping hand

Don't be greedy help the needy

To instill the values of helping others, SWAS CLUB encouraged the students from all sections of Class VII to donate the eatables to poor children of slum areas. Students visited the area near Kali Mata Mandir, Deepali Chowk, Delhi on 7th, 11th, 17th and 25th October 2017 respectively and whole heartedly donated the food items. Not only had the students learned the value of giving and sharing but also generosity. Really, it was an appreciating effort for the moral development of the students.


Each One Teach One by SWAS Club

For attempting to teach others is sometimes the best way of teaching ourselves.

Under the project Each One Teach One, the students of SWAS Club visited Navjyoti Foundation Bawana, an NGO run by Dr. Kiran Bedi on 22nd August, 2017 where the students from Bawana and other nearby rural areas children come to study and skill development.

Our students of class XI taught different concepts of Science, English Grammar, Hindi and General Knowledge to those children. They used beautiful charts to create better learning. All in all, it was an enrichment programme for the students and motivating and fun learning for NGO children.

Food Donation by Class IX

You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.

To inculcate the value of food donation among the students SWAS Club organized a visit to temple for food donation for class IX students in the month of July. The students brought eatables to donate to the poor children who sit outside the templesin the hope of mercy. The members of SWAS Club participated with full fervor to help them. Students learnt that nobody becomes poor by giving.

Visit to Blind School by SWAS Club

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.

To instill the values of helping the specially-abled section of the society among the students a visit to Akhil Bhartiya Netraheen Sangh was organized by SWAS Club on 27th July 2017. The students of class X visit the various classes of blind children where they observed how those special children study with the help of Brail Script.

After their visit students shared their experiences; all of them were touched and motivated to help those special children and consider themselves blessed by GOD to have a perfect healthy life.

A Visit to Old Age Home by SWAS Club

God gave us life with happy and sad moments, but Parents always try to give us only happy moments.

To inculcate the value of love, care and responsibility, the students of Class XI visited Shiv Ashray Old Age Home on 21st April, 2017. The introduction and interaction started between the students and the elderly people after the presentation of bouquet. Then a short cultural programme comprising of a Bhajan, a few heart touching songs and a humorous play presented by the students brought smile to the dull, pale and distressed faces of the old people. A short speech by an elderly on the Importance of touching feet enlightened all the students. At the end, the students and old people parted from each other with teary eyes.


Among all donations food is the most valuable donation, if you donate food to hungry people God will donate food for you lifelong.

To inculcate the same values, SWAS Club encouraged the students of class XI E, F, G and H to donate the eatables for poor children on 11th April, 2017. The members of SWAS Club participated with full fervor to help them.  It was an effort worth appreciation.

One random act of kindness per day can change 365 lives

To inculcate the same values, SWAS Club encouraged the students of all the sections of Class VI  to donate the eatables for poor children in the month of November,2016. The members of SWAS Club participated with full fervor to help them.

It was an effort worth appreciating .

Temple visit-food donation

Temple Visit-Food Donation

"The most useful asset of a person is not a headfull of knowledge, but a heart full of love with ears open to listen,

and hands willing to help."

To inculcate the moral value of sharing with others "SWAS CLUB' of M.M.P.S took an initiative to take the children of Class  IV-A  and

 Class IV-B on 15th Sept and 20th Sept 2016. respectively to "SAI BABA MANDIR" Sec-7, Rohini for the donation of food items for the poor

 children. The children of Class  III-A and III-B also participated in this good cause on 28th Sept and 29th Sept. 2016.

Visit to Orphanage

"Happiness does not result from what we get, but from what we give"

Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate, keeping the same enthusiasm a visit to 'Asharan Orphanage' was organized by SWAS Club of M.M.P.S. on August 31, 2016. The Students of Class IX got an opportunity to interact with orphans. They donated biscuits and fruits to them. They made them feeling special by singing songs and sharing their experiences. It was really a heart-touching experience as it made the students feel blessed to have parents and family.

Food Donation by Class VII

"Every Charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven"

Keeping the same motive in mind SWAS Club encouraged the students of all sections of Class VII to donate food items for the poor in the nearby vicinity during the month of August . For this they were sent to Kali Mata Mandir in Pitampura. Students learnt the moral values of charity.

A Visit to Blind School

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and blind can see"

To inculcate the values of helping the specially-abled section of the society a visit to Akhil Bhartiya Netraheen Sangh was organized by SWAS CLUB under the guidance of SWAS CLUB incharge Mrs. Santosh Batra on 29th July, 2016. Students of class IX got an opportunity to visit the various classes of blind children where they observed how they study with the help of Brail Script. They spent time with them and sang the songs .They donated biscuits and fruits to them. Students purchased the candles made by the blind students.

A music competition was also organized by Akhil Bhartiya Netraheen Sangh and our students participated enthusiastically. Sheenu and Sapna of Class X-C won III prize and consolation prize respectively in the same. They were felicitated by award on 13th August 2016 in the organization.

The visit was an inspirational and motivational for the students.


True to the ethos and underlying value of M.M.P.S. Pitampura, members of Swas Club  collected old clothes , stationary items and toys to be contributed to "Goonj" an NGO working for less fortunate brethren .

Students thus were able to assimilate that everything is useful & should not be wasted.


"Respect your grandparents; Keep them happy to make God happy"

To inculcate the moral value of respecting the grandparents, a visit to SHIV ASHRAY an old age home in Rohini was conducted by SWAS CLUB of MMPS on May 4; 2016.Students from Class VIII got an opportunity to visit there. They offered bouquet and sugar-free biscuit packets to them. They sang songs and prayers for them. Jhanvi of Class XI A sang a bhajan which was appreciated by everyone. Elderly people shared their experiences with the students which filled their eyes with tears. The students promised to take care of their parents during their old age. All in all it was a wonderful experience for the students of MMPS as well as for the elderly people.

Food Donation by Swas Club

"It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving"

To inculcate the same values, SWAS Club encouraged the students of Classes X A, X B & X C to donate the eatables for poor children. The members of SWAS Club participated with full fervor to help them.

It was an effort worth appreciating.


Visit To Orphanage

"Sowing seeds of kindness always reaps a crop of heavenly blessings"

Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate, keeping the same thought in mind,  a visit to "Asharan Orphanage" was organized by Swas Club of M.M.P.S.on  August 28th ,2015. The Students of Class IX got an opportunity to interact with orphans. They donated biscuit  packets and fruits to them. They sang song for them and spent quality time with them. It was really a heart-touching experience as the students felt blessed for having their own parents and family.


"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and blind can see"

"We Rise By Lifting Other", To inculcate the values of helping the specially-abled section of the society a visit to "Akhil Bhartiya Netraheen Sangh" was organized by SWAS CLUB under the guidance of SWAS CLUB incharge Mrs Santosh Batra on 24th July,2015. Students of class X got an opportunity to visit the various classes of blind children where they observed how they study with the help of Brail Script. They spent time with them and sang the songs .They donated wholeheartedly biscuit packets and other grocery items for them. The visit was an inspirational and motivational for the students.


"A Father's  goodness is higher than the mountain, a mother's goodness deeper than the sea."

"Parenting is the biggest sacrifice one can make, it's putting your life on hold to fulfill the promise of your children's tomorrow's."

"Family is the first school for young children and parents are powerful models."

To inculcate the moral value of respecting the parents, a visit to SHIV ASHRAY an old age home in Rohini was conducted by SWAS CLUB of MMPS on May 13, 2015. Students from Class XI and VI got an opportunity to visit there.They offered bouquet and sugar-free biscuit packets to them.They sang songs and prayers for them.Elderly people shared their experiences with the students which filled their eyes with tears.The students promised to take care of their parents during their old age.All in all it was a wonderful experience for the students of MMPS as well as for the elderly people.

Food Donation by Swas Club on 21-4-2015

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

To Inculcate the values of helping the poor and hungry people of the society, an initiative taken by Swas Club was of sending the students of Class VIII B to nearby temple on April 21, 2015 where students distributed biscuit packets to poor people. Students learnt the habit of sharing with deprived people of the society.

Visit to Old Age Home on 22-01-2015 and 23-01-2015

"Respect for one's parents is the highest duty of civil life"

"Appreciate your parents. You never know what sacrifices they went through for you"

To inculcate the feeling of respect towards elderly people SWAS Club of M.M.P.S. organized a visit to Shiv Ashray - an Old Age Home in Rohini from 22nd to 23rd January, 2015.The students of Class VI and Class IX visited the old age home. They performed many different types of activities for the old people like Bhajans, songs and poems. Children gifted biscuit packets, Rusk packets; flowers & greeting cards to them. Yashika of Class IX offered pair of socks to old people and Himanshi of Class IX offered Shawl to them. Mehak and Sunny of Class IX explained the benefits of Turmeric and Aloevera to them.  Old people danced with the children and enjoyed the moment. Ms Ritu, Head of the institution   liked the performance of students & appreciated their empathy and concern for them. They gave blessings & best wishes for their future. Old people offered chocolates to the children really it was a wonderful practical learning experience for the children.

Visit to blind School on 12-12-2014

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and blind can see"

To inculcate the values of helping the specially-abled section of the society a visit to "Akhil Bhartiya Netraheen Sangh" was organized by SWAS CLUB under the guidance of SWAS CLUB incharge Mrs Santosh Batra on 12th Dec, 2014. Students of class IX got an opportunity to visit the various classes of blind children where they observed how they study with the help of Brail Script. They spent time with them and sang the songs .They donated biscuits and fruits to them. Students purchased the candles made by the blind students. The visit was an inspirational and motivational for the students.


Unless a life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile.

To create awareness about the true values of life among the students, a visit to Asharan Orphanage in New Multan Nagar in Delhi was organized by SWAS Club of our school on 2nd Dec. 2014. Students of class VII  B got an opportunity to interact with orphans. This visit gave them the path to show love and care. The moment became emotional when they interacted with the orphans. Our students gifted eatables, stationery, games and toys to them. Overall it was a wonderful and sentimental moment for all.


"Cleanliness is the emblem of purity of mind"

Focusing on this motive SWAS Club organized "Cleanliness Drive" on 23rd July 2014 broadening the student's vision of the need to clean the environment and follow clean and healthy habits.

A Skit was performed by the students on the topic "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" which sensitized the students on the serious issue of hygiene. A speech was also delivered by Sahaj Somani of Class XI- E. A proper check of cleanliness and hygiene was made by volunteers of SWAS Club. The volunteers of SWAS CLUB undertook the responsibility to guide the students not to throw garbage here and there. They visited river Yamuna bank and cleaned the surroundings and distributed the pamphlets to create the awareness among the people about the harmful effects of polluting the river.

Donation of Woolen clothes

"If you want to feel good , Do good."

 To uphold the same theme of helping others students of class XI E & VII B visited the collection centre of  "Goonj" located in Meera Bagh on November 15, 2014 and deposited the collection of woollen clothes and  toys which was donated by students of all classes of the school.  It reflects the student's attitude towards noble cause of humanity.