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Research about Environment

To enquire about the impact of lockdown and after effects of cyclone on environment, Eco club students indulged themselves in environmental research about the changes that have come across pre- lockdown and post-lockdown period.

They also researched about havoc created by cyclones in Mumbai and Rajasthan and its aftermath. In order to supplement their research work. Students wrote essay and report on such topics to ensure gainful learning.

The activity was productive and as it not only helped students to explore about the natural calamities and its impact but also helped to observe how human activities have left a profound impact on environment.

Tree plantation by MMPians

"Plants are like people. When they get proper nutrition, they look happy and healthy. But if they look dry and withered, they may need more care.” - Vishweshwar

Planting a young tree is an investment in the hope of the future. Trees are incredibly beneficial to our environment. With each passing day, the relevance and importance of planting trees have only increased. It has to be a combined mission of all mankind to plant more trees in order to save our ailing planet.

Thus, maintaining ecological balance and saving nature our primary students planted a sapling at their homes with great enthusiasm. Teachers explained the importance of planting trees.

Doctors Day celebration

"Medicines cure diseases but only doctors can cure patients."

To show gratitude to all the doctors on the occasion of National Doctor’s Day, the creative MMPIANS showcased their artistic skills by displaying paintings and recording messages in the form of videos thanking these corona Warriors. These contributions by students were a salute to the doctors who are working in the forefront amid pandemic and performing their duties relentlessly.

Poster Making on ‘Say No to Drugs’

‘Drugs aren't cool, they make you look like a fool.’

To establish new and improved techniques to combat drug usage and its repercussions, the students designed colourful posters to commemorate Anti-Drug Day on June 26, 2021.

The children's artwork was full of striking messages depicting drug-induced seizures, strokes, mental disorientation, brain damage, and lung cancer. They also showcased their thoughts on how one can overcome this deadly habit.

Hindi Poem Recitation by Pre-primary kids

दिनांक 24.6.2021 को कक्षा यू. के. जी. व पहली के बच्चों ने  ऑनलाइन गतिविधि कविता वाचन का सराहनीय प्रस्तुतिकरण किया । बच्चों द्वारा लयबद्ध रूप से कविताएँ सुनाई गईं ।कविता वाचन के द्वारा बच्चों की प्रतिभाओं का सृजन और साथ ही हिंदी साहित्य का विकास संभव हुआ ।सभी बच्चों ने इस गतिविधि में उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया और अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन किया ।


The most beautiful and powerful creation of the human spirit is mathematics.

On June 24, 2021, a Maths exercise was held to help kids comprehend arithmetic concepts in a straightforward, accessible, and pleasant way. Primary kids produced a paper kite and scribbled tables on it, while middle school students created a learning machine based on several principles.

The activity was extremely fruitful and beneficial because the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and grasped the topic.

Role Play by class I

कला एकीकरण का अनुसरण करते हुए कक्षा पहली के छात्रों द्वारा 16 जून 2021 को आमवाला का रोलप्ले प्रस्तुत किया गया। छात्रों ने अपनी कल्पना शक्ति व रचनात्मकता का परिचय का परिचय देते हुए 'आमवाला' का चरित्र अभिनय किया व संबंधित कविता भी सुनाई। छात्रों ने इस क्रिया कलाप में उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया और आनंद उठाया।

International Yoga Day Celebration

“Health is the greatest gift of God and contentment is the greatest wealth. Yoga is the means by which both of these can be secured.”

International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21st June with the aim of spreading awareness about the Importance and Positive Effects of Yoga among the people. Keeping this view, our school organized a Virtual Yoga Practice Session on 19th June, 2021 at 1 pm in which the students of the school along with their family and all the teachers of the school participated.

All the parts of Yoga included in the protocol of Yoga given by the Ministry of AYUSH were practiced during this session. Awareness about Physical and Spiritual Benefits of Yoga, its Usefulness and Effect of Yoga in our life was also created.

All in all, this session proved to benefit all by promoting the holistic health of every individual through Yoga.

International Father’s Day celebration by Tiny Tots

Not all superheroes wear capes, some are just blessings, whom we call dad! And this principle was proven true on June 18, 2021, when children of classes LKG, UKG and I, celebrated International Father's Day. Children showed their gratitude towards their fathers and sung songs, made cards, and thanked their father. Teachers explained value of fathers and showed a video on the same.

Preparing a Nutritional Food Rainbow.

It is rightly said "Health is wealth" And this principle was applied by the tiny tots of class II while doing the activity. Children prepared a colourful rainbow in a plate using different colours of vegetables and fruits and learnt about health benefits of each of them. Teacher explained the sources of obtaining these foods and importance of nutritional food and a balanced diet.