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Father’s Day celebration by Art Craft students

The heart of the father is a masterpiece of God. Nothing compares to a father's unconditional love, and the relationship that a kid enjoys with a father is priceless.  To honour this unnoticed link and the efforts of a father in nurturing his kid, our students created heartfelt posters that emphasised the selfless love of fathers.

Webinar on World Environment Day

It is rightly said

‘If you plan for a year, plant rice,

If you plan for ten years you plant trees and

If you plan for hundred years you educate people’

Environmental Education is the need of hour and to create awareness about causes, challenges and steps to eradicate the problems faced by our environment, a webinar on ‘Nurture Nature to save Future’ to mark the significance of World Environment Day was organized at a virtual platform on Saturday 5 June 2021.

The esteemed Chairperson CWC, Govt of NCT of Delhi Mrs. Meenu Mehta as a Chief Guest and renowned Dr. M. Dwarakanath, Visiting Faculty, Dept. Environmental Science and Management, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli as a Guest of honor and key speaker were warmly welcomed by our revered Principal Madam Mrs. Rooma Pathak.

The session began with noted Speaker of the day, Dr M. Dwarkanath who imparted enriching knowledge to students to modify their lifestyle by adopting eco-friendly habits of saying no to plastic, recycling of old waste material, discarding used masks in proper way etc. Furthermore, conserving resources like water and electricity, walking instead of driving, and planting more trees also help to reduce carbon footprints on the planet was stated.  He also guided students to have less oily and spicy food and to have healthy snacks to be fit and fine as they are the asset of nation.

The distinguished chief guest Mrs. Meenu Mehta also enthusiastically inspired the students by saying that children can bring changes and can-do fruitful activities to educate the masses around them. She also reinforced that, students as Change Makers can make the world a better place to live in.

The Webinar was conducted live on Facebook and attended by students and educators. It concluded with vote of thanks to esteemed guests for answering few of the queries of students and also for giving their precious time in encouraging students to save Environment. All in all, the theme of World Environment Day; “Restore, Reimagine and Reinvent” was well imparted through this educational and enriching webinar.

World Environment Day

To raise awareness on resetting our relation with nature and safeguarding natural ecosystems and biodiversity through an activity of Poster Making was initiated by the students of our school on 5 June 2021.

The children's innovative ideas were noticeable and environmentally friendly. Under the direction of the art teacher, the students represented how climate change has harmed the world and made life difficult. The activity emphasized its commitment to environmental protection and preservation in order to raise environmental awareness and the theme of World Environment Day; “Restore, Reimagine and Reinvent” was well imparted

The vibrant posters aim to motivate, educate, and empower people to enhance their quality of life without jeopardizing future generations.


Safety is Everybody's Responsibility but First it's my Responsibility.

Safety starts with 'S' (Self) and ends with 'Y' (You)

Safety is the common denominator of all aspects of life, hence awareness about surroundings should be the focal point for all. With this in mind, to make Road Safety a way of life an activity entitled "Drive Safe" was conducted on virtual platform wherein M.M Pians were made to recall aspects of road safety measures through a TED Talk Video.

The aim of the activity was to sensitize the students about traffic rules and ways to reduce casualties of road accidents so that roads can edge closer in becoming accident-free-zone. The activity was designed to accentuate the need of safe road travel by following traffic rulebook. Later on, learners indulged themselves in constructive discussion about road safety rules. Students ensured gainful learning by incorporating creative posters which highlighted observance of traffic rules. Such creative visuals help to spread awareness among students and in turn in their families.

The activity was productive as it made students observant of surroundings. It helped to spread an imperative message of ‘Safety isn't expensive but priceless.’

Mathematical Model Making Activity

To help students of Grade VII understand the concept of angles and their implementation to solve the problem, a mathematical model making activity on Working Model of Angles was organised during first week of May on virtual platform.

The educator made earnest efforts to provide students a platform to represent their innovative ideas in making mathematical model by showing different videos on working model of angles. They were acquainted with different tips and techniques to make a creative model. With reference to above points, learners designed unique models using glace paper, ice-cream sticks and waste materials. They also illustrated different types of angles in it.

The activity put forth some interesting ideas which helped students to get clarity on a concept and broaden their horizon to look at a concept in a different way.

Creating Nets of Solid Shapes

To provide a practical and visual way to explore 3D shapes and its properties, an activity 'Creating Nets of Solid Shapes' was conducted on virtual platform of Grade VIII.

Initially, learners were made to examine the difference between 2D and 3D figures. Later the educator showed videos and pictures to assist students in creating nets of different shapes like cube, cuboid, pyramid and prism.

Under the guidance of the teacher, students incorporated their creativity and innovation by making different 3D shaped gifts along with nets of solid shapes using waste material.

 The activity produced intended result in strengthening their spatial ability and provided hand on, constructive way to learn 3D figures

Water Cycle Activity

To help the students of Grade VII comprehend the importance of water in our life, an activity was virtually undertaken during the first week of May.

The students prepared beautiful hangings of the water cycle portraying the current information and drew diagrams of different types of rainfall. The instructor guided the students about the importance of water in our life and how nature is maintaining the balance in producing the precious natural resource by showing them different videos. The students also realized how human activities continuously affect its supply. They also learnt different types of rainfall, motions of water like waves and tides, their causes and uses. At the end students participated in a quiz and tested their knowledge.

The activity created curiosity among the students to investigate more about the scarcity of water, learn types of rainfall and environmental change.

Role Play

As it is rightly said by Albert Einstein 'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' Imagination is an essential component of childhood, helping a child to learn many important lifelong skills. Most children pick up an ordinary object — a box or a piece of cloth — and see its potential for a fort or superhero cape etc. and spending hours pretending and role-playing. These seemingly simple interactions are crucial for a child’s development, giving them the creativity and problem-solving abilities, they’ll need as adults.

 These must be encouraged as much as possible to give a child tremendous opportunity to grow, learn, and imagine.

Students of Class IV were given a topic 'If I were a...' and they can imagine themselves to be anything. Students showcased their potential and imagination by using materials present around them.

आशुभाषण प्रतियोगिता

दिनांक 10. 5. 21 एम. एम. पब्लिक स्कूल पीतमपुरा दिल्ली। कक्षा छठी और आठवीं में वर्चुअल गतिविधि के माध्यम से आशुभाषण प्रतियोगिता आयोजित की गई। इस गतिविधि में दोनों ही कक्षाओं के छात्र-छात्राओं ने बढ़-चढ़कर हिस्सा लिया।  दोनों कक्षाओं के छात्रों ने अपने तर्क और कल्पना शक्ति के द्वारा अपने विषय को प्रस्तुत किया। जिसमें में तर्क और कल्पना का समांजस्य स्पष्ट रूप से दिखाई दिया।  इस गतिविधि  में छात्रों में कल्पना शक्ति के विकास के साथ आत्मविश्वास में भी वृद्धि हुई। जो उनके आशुभाषण में स्पष्ट रूप से देखी गई ।


To help the students of Grade VI comprehend the nearby planetary group, including the universe, galaxy, the planets and constellations, a movement was coordinated by the educator on 6 May 2021 on a virtual stage.

The educator showed a video on the constellations of the universe.The students learned specific features of constellations, their Indian and English names. They drew some important constellations with the help of matchsticks by portraying the current information.

The action acquired groundbreaking thoughts and made interest thinking about the constellations.