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Handwash Activity

"Your life is in your hands, wash them properly”

'Global Hand washing Day’ is observed every year on 15th October. The day focuses on the importance of hand washing globally. This year also the day was celebrated with creative ways to encourage everyone to wash hands with soap at critical times of COVID 19. To spread awareness about the importance of hygiene. All the students, teachers, and parents joined World’s Largest Classroom of Hand Washing organized by Lifebuoy, wherein the dangers of not washing hands properly and how we can protect our self from falling sick, just by spending few seconds in hand washing. Students, parents and teachers participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. This day also enhances the knowledge about the importance of clean water and the availability of soap in public schools, health care facilities, and other public places. Many videos were also shared with students to demonstrate the correct way of hand washing. Revered Principal ma'am laid great stress on this regular practice for protecting all during this pandemic time.

Position at Inter-School Level

'Dedication never deems to fail and leads you to success.'

Dakshi Aggarwal of Class II made M.M. Public School proud by securing 2nd position in English Poem Recitation Competition on the topic 'AI as a Catalyst of Managing Waste’ in Inter School Competition, Technophilia, organised by Mamta Modern Sr. Sec. School on 17th October.

Her dedication and hard work paid off. She has set an example that how perseverance and correct guidance can take one to great heights and achieve whatever one puts their mind into.

The school congratulates her for this commendable achievement and wishes her good luck for her future endeavours.

Activity on Pet and Wild Animals by Pre-Primary students

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains un-awakened."     -Anatole France

Performing on any topic provides little one's develops qualities of being confident in speaking and sharing the knowledge.

As such, little pals of L.K.G showcased themselves on the topic "Pet and Wild Animals" on October 12th 21'.

Kids were beautifully dressed up as Pet and Wild Animals. They also shared some interesting facts about animals. They shared the concern that some animals are in danger of becoming extinct and we should take steps to protect them.

Children sang various rhymes and songs related to the animals.

It was indeed a day of developing confidence.

Achievement at National Level

“Our aim may be as high as endless sky but we should have a resolve in our minds to walk ahead, hand in hand, for victory will be ours" - Atal Bihari Vajpayee

M.M.P.S basks in the glory of achievement of Rudra Sharma of Class XII who has won First Prize in Slogan Writing Competition organised on the occasion of 27th World Ozone Day by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on the theme - Montreal Protocol- Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool.

 The creativity of student not only grabbed attention of readers but also ingrained a message to reduce the concentration of ozone depleting substances in atmosphere in order to protect ozone layer.

Our revered Principal Madam Ms Rooma Pathak congratulated him for his stupendous achievement and wished him good luck for his future endeavours.

Mental Health Week Celebration

M. M. Public School celebrated mental health week from 4th October 2021 to 8th October 2021 on the occasion of World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2021.

It is dedicated to raising awareness about Mental Health Issues and to fight the stigma still associated with it. The school Counsellor, Mrs. Sheetal Dewan along with class teachers held numerous activities throughout the week to ingrain a better awareness of mental health.

The activities ranged from mindfulness meditation sessions with a punch line for the activity ‘Living the Present and Living in the Present,’ a video interaction with parents and students on caring conversation and let’s talk respectively were held to address the parents and students on mental health issues, the stigma associated with it and what they can do to promote their mental health.

A PPT presentation was presented with the students citing examples of celebrities who have suffered mental health illness during the ‘Let’s Talk’ a video interaction. This helped share the fact that anyone can be affected by it. Hence it is important to talk about it and take necessary steps to deal with problems like anxiety, stress and depression. Students were told strategies like controlling negative thoughts, engaging in a hobby, exercise, making life style changes and seeking professional help when required. A poster making competition, brain gym exercises session and story narration activities were also undertaken during the week

All in all a week filed with awareness – building exercise thus reinforced the message that mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of rather it’s time to talk, it’s time to change

Dussehra Celebration

Dussehra, the festival to celebrate the victory of good over evil, was celebrated on October 13th 21' with a lot of religious zeal and fervour. The celebration is to remember that the good and holy always wins over evil. The tiny ones of Pre School till Grade 5 participated and enjoyed different activities. A small festivity, i.e. "DUSSEHRA UTSAV" was celebrated by “Grade 3 & 4" pals.

A talk show on Dussehra followed by a Kavita and a song captured the spirit of the festival; the triumph of good over evil, leaving the spectators mesmerized.

Dussehra is a popular Hindu festival. It marks the day on which Lord Rama defeated the demon king Ravana. The story as to why we celebrate Dussehra was shown to students through a video. The importance and rituals of celebrating this festival were explained in detail by all the teachers. Students were shown a special PowerPoint Presentation on Dussehra.

Students put in their learning and creativity in the form of masks, worksheets, craftwork and presented in online mode to all students. Summing up the event was a learning experience for all about our rich Indian Culture and Values.

World Post Day Celebration

Today, world has become a global village. Communication and information technology plays a crucial role in bringing the world close together. The early means of communication was the postal service. The aim of celebrating world post day is to create awareness of the role of postal sector in people’s and businesses everyday lives and its contribution to the social and economic development of countries. World postal day is celebrated every year on 9th October, the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union, which started in 1874 in Switzerland. World Post Day started in 1969.

Students of class II - V wrote letters for their friends and they posted those letters using handmade post-box. The celebration was aimed at reconnecting the future generation to the living heritage — the Indian Postal System and indeed was a great step to revive the fallen glory of the postal department.

World Wildlife Day

"Saving one animal won't change the world, but it will change the world for that animal."

World Wildlife Day is dedicated to animals for making people aware of the world about the role of the animals in their lives and uniting people for advocating the welfare of animals. Keeping the same spirit high, Little MMPians of class 3rd to 5th celebrated World Wildlife Day on 6th October 21 wherein different activities were conducted such as poster making, slogan writing, face masks, poems, colorful finger puppets of endangered animals.

These activities instilled the sense awareness and responsibility among students to make Earth a better place for animals as they share the world with other organisms as well.

English Day Celebration

"English language not only adds a touch of convenience to communication in general but has been a gateway to art in the form of literature of lots of writers around the globe."

 Every day is a celebration of this beautiful language by itself but any one day specially dedicated towards the language makes it even more special. Various activities for the students were organized as a part of 'English Day' celebration such as Story Telling Session, Pictorial proverb activity, Quizzes, Poems by famous poets, tongue twisters and riddles.

The session truly captivated the young minds and they really enjoyed it.

Position at National Level in Soft Tennis

“Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day that you train and every night that you dream.”Emmitt Smith

It was a moment of pride when Maitreya Rana of class XII won BRONZE MEDAL at 18th Senior National Soft Tennis Championship as a team event held at Dewas, Madhya Pradesh from 26th September to 30th September 2021.

Principal Madam congratulated him and wished him success in all his future endeavours.