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MMPian at International Stage

The roots of the school become stronger day-by-day when girls show their hidden talent in various fields. Saiba Bajaj of class X, with her outstanding speaking and creative capabilities, got a chance to present her views on an International platform of TERI School of Advanced Studies organised in Thyagaraja Stadium, INA, where she presented her views on sustainable development. She showed the presentation on IMPORTANCE OF WATER IN OUR LIVES.  The powerful thoughts and expressions impressed everyone. The Principal congratulates her on her great achievements and wishes her good luck for future venture.

Show and Tell Competition-My Favourite Story Book

"Books are man's best friend"

To improve communication and descriptive skills of children, a Show and Tell competition was organised for class-I students on the topic "My Favourite Story Book". The motive behind the competition was to imbibe effective communication, vocabulary building and listening skills among young minds.

The activity helped the learners in emotional and social development. It also helped in building confidence level of students. Many students came up with their ideas about their favourite story book. They were enthusiastic in sharing their views about their story book. To make the competition more effective and stronger children were holding beautiful props. Students participated in a preliminary round and finally were selected from Intra Class through a special judgement criteria.

This competition proved to be effective for students and helped other young learners in getting knowledge about various story books. 

Position in Painting Competition

Another Gem was added to the crown of the school when Arpita of class V achieved 1st position and Komal of class X achieved 3rd position in the painting competition for the celebrations of Phool Walon ki Sair-2018 on 11 November 2018 in Aam Bagh Mehrauli. Honourable MLA of Mehrauli Shri Naresh Yadav and SDM of Mehrauli Ms. Mitali Goal and Tehsildar Sh. Alok Man presented the prizes to the children and encouraged them to make the world move colorful with the stroke of their brushes.


"There is no garden as beautiful as childhood"

Children's day was celebrated in our school to pay tribute to the legendary freedom fighter and our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The theme of the day was "Children you are precious for us. We love you." Children watched a movie on the life of Jawaharlal Nehru. They also made Chacha Nehru's cap and rose brooch. They sang various poems on the theme "Children's Day". They received candies from Principal Ma'am as a token of love.

The children were joyful at the end of the day.

Diwali Wishes

MMPS Thanks Dr. Kiran Bedi, our Patron for her Warm, Glittering and Blissful Diwali Wishes.


Primary wing of MMPS celebrated ECO - FRIENDLY DIWALI with great happiness and excitement. All the students and teachers participated with great passion and zeal. Students of class II decorated their classrooms with chandeliers. Class III students prepared beautifully decorated cards for their parents to wish them a prosperous Diwali. They also gave the boxes of sweets to the maids of school. Students of class IV and V decorated the cut outs of coloured and glittered diyas with decorative materials. They also made a beautiful rangoli and decorated it with flower petals. The day ended wishing everyone A VERY HAPPY DIWALI.

Lets Go Green: The Diwali Debate

Diwali celebrations are considered incomplete without firework. But can we give it up this time and help saving the environment! Students of class I-A, B and C brainstormed ideas in an open discussion followed by "Just few Seconds" session.




Good table manners are so much more than just "keeping up appearances" Proper manners at the table are important because they signify and established a connection to food and those gathered around a table. INCULCATION OF GOOD HABITS AND TABLE MANNERS were taught to the children of L.K.G and U.K.G on November 5, 2018. Children learn't how to arrange the Napkins on the table, they were also taught how to eat vegetable cutlets using knife and fork, wash hand before and after the meals, close your mouth and chew the food, eat small bites, stay seated and  sit up straight while eating food, behave smartly when you go to a Restaurant.

It was indeed a day of Learning.


The much awaited and loved festival of light, DIWALI was celebrated with traditional fervor on 6th November, 2018 by the students of L.K.G, U.K.G and class I. Children participated in adorning the corridors with flower rangoli, they also lit candles and diyas. Little pals got engaged in doing various handcrafted activities and also enthusiastically danced on chirpy and rhythmic numbers. Children learn?t few special messages on the occasion of Diwali  i.e, TO CELEBRATE DIWALI WITH POOR PEOLE AND ALSO CELEBRATE  GREEN DIWALI (WITHOUT FIRE WORK).  Students of class I decorated candles and diyas and gifted it to the sweepers and peons of our school.

It was fun and frolic the whole day.

Say No to Crackers

A rally was organized by Eco-Club on 31 October 2018 on Say No To Crackers. Students from VIII-A participated in this rally very enthusiastically. The purpose of the rally was to aware children and the people not to burst crackers on Diwali. As these crackers are very harmful for the environment. Bursting of crackers emits lots of poisonous gases like carbon dioxide, methane etc. which causes many health problems like cancer, irritation in eyes etc.

Students made posters to create awareness among people residing near school. They also took pledge not to burst crackers and save environment.