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Learning outside the classroom is the use of places other than the school for teaching and learning. Open space offers children opportunities for big movement, vigorous social play and explorations. Therefore, a visit to park was organized for the children of grade 2 to 5. They learned about swachhta through rally and collecting garbage in handmade bins. They spoke about the uses of green and blue bins. Tiny tots of grade 2 spread awareness on using paper bag by giving people handmade paper bags. The children of grade 5 showed posters of Fit India and some gymnastic moves. To sum up, the students got the buzz out of this visit and they had amazing time on swings in the park.

Fit India Plogging on Gandhi Jayanti

To highlight the need to Fitness and shun single use of plastic and complete eradication of the menace of this harmful material Plogging Activity was organized on 2nd October 2019 for the students of classes V to IX. The objective behind the activity was not only to encourage students to be fit but also to sensitize them to minimize the use of plastic and to aware them about the harm caused by Plastic on environment in the recent years. The students enthusiastically participated in the run, collected plastic garbage in nearby areas of school, promised to spread the message of “Say no to Plastic” in the society and also to be a responsible citizen of the nation to fulfill the vision of Mahatma Gandhi of a clean and green Nation. Thus the day was full of energetic activities and the students learnt a lot through participation.

Live Streaming on “10 HAFTE, 10 BAJE, 10 MINUTES” Campaign for awareness of Dengue Control

‘If Mosquitoes Breed, Then You Will Bleed.’

To enlighten students not only about the ongoing campaign of “10 HAFTE , 10 BAJE , 10 MINUTES” but also to aware them about the Dengue Control , students were given a golden opportunity to witness  the live streaming of the above mentioned programme on 1st October 2019 which provided very important and basic techniques  to keep them safe from falling sick. This programme mainly focused on encouraging the school going children to keep their surroundings and homes clean to curb the hands of Dengue and complete eradication of this disease. Thus, the students learnt a lot as this programme was very informative and enriching.

Dussehra Celebration

A time of celebration

A time of victory of good over bad,

A time when world see the example of power and good.

Let us continue the same “True Spirit”.

Happy Dussehra

A special message assembly was conducted for the students of L.K.G, U.K.G, and Grade 1 students. A power point presentation was shown to the students to give a proper message to each and every child i.e. Victory of good over evil. This was followed by the character presentation ( of Ram, Sita, Laxman, Bharat and Rawana) done by the pals of L.K.G. A dance presentation on the song ‘Ram ji ki nikali sawari’ was the most Enthralling presentation of the day.

Gandhi Jayanti Celebration

Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated in the premises of M.M public School on 1st October 2019. Children of Grade 1 depicted few beautiful teachings of Gandhi Ji. The students were taught about the life of Mahatma Gandhi and values he stood for through a beautiful power point presentation. A slogan writing competition was held for pals of Grade 1. Gandhi Ji’s most preferred and devotional song (Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram) was sung by teachers and students in his remembrance.

A day of Reminiscence of great freedom fighter.

Congratulations! To the winners of Slogan Writing Competition.

           I A                                                                                                                             I B

1.  Diksha                                                                                                                  1. Palak Sharma

2. Amarnath Ji                                                                                                          2. Akshat

3. Aditya Mohan                                                                                                      3. Deepika Aneja

Poster Making Activity by Art & Craft Club

Art and Craft Club organized a Poster making activity on the topic- Say no to Plastic and how to dispose plastic on 01st October 2019. All the club students participated and filled the whole atmosphere with the vibrant colors. These Young Artists made posters with great enthusiasm. During this activity student has learnt a lot about to Say no to plastic and how to dispose plastic and their understanding was clearly shown in the posters. The activity was successfully organized by Art and Craft club and was motivated and appreciated by Principal Mam.

Poster and slogan Making Activity by Art & Craft Club on Balance Diet

Art and Craft Club organized a Poster making and slogan writing activity on the topic- Balance Diet on 01st October 2019. All the club students participated and filled the whole atmosphere with the vibrant colors. These Young Artists made posters and slogan with great enthusiasm. During this activity student has learnt a lot about Balance Diet and their understanding was clearly shown in the posters. The activity was successfully organized by Art and Craft club and was motivated and appreciated by Principal Mam.

Swachhata Pakhwada-2019

‘The future depends on what steps you take today’

Rightly said by Gandhi ji our present actions decide our future so healthy habits should be instilled among the children from the initial days of their life. So to instill the hygienic practices among the students and also to sensitize them about the importance of ‘CLEAN INDIA’ campaign to fulfill Gandhiji’s vision of clean nation by his 150th birth anniversary in 2019’ various activities such as Shapath Day , Awareness Day , Community Participation Day , Swachtha Participation Day , Hand-Wash Day and Personal Hygiene Day , Exhibition Day , Letter Writing Day , Water Harvesting Day , Swachtha He Seva , and Green School Drive  were organized from 27th August 2019 to 11th September 2019 under the theme  of ‘SWACHHTHA PAKHWADA’. These activities gave a golden opportunity to the students to aware themselves not only about the selfish actions of human beings which are adversely hampering the environment but also the consequences of it. They also learnt new and creative ways to utilize waste and to reduce it. They were encouraged to plant saplings for a greener environment and conserve the resources for a healthy environment to have a prosperous life. The value of compassion and respect was also inculcated among the children when they were taken to clean the nearby area of the school. Various basic and essential ways of personal hygiene were also explained to the students to have a healthy body. These activities gave a golden opportunity to all the students to showcase their talent as these children are change makers of our nation. Thus, the activities were informative and enlightening for all the students.

ATL Community Day

“Learning & Innovation go Hand in Hand”

M.M. Public School, under the aegis of the Atal Innovation Mission of NITI Aayog hosted Community Day on 26 September 2019. We believe in encouraging children to keep thinking, innovating and cultivating the spirit of curiosity and guide them in the pathway of development.
Under the supervision of Mrs. Rooma Pathak (Principal) and Mr. Amit (mentor STEMROBO) the day provided an opportunity to the budding scientists to work on innovative prototypes and exhibits with the goal to identify solutions to the present community problems.  Principal Ma’am interacted with the students providing them with the tips towards fostering scientific acumen and inculcating skills of design mindset, computational thinking and adaptive learning which is need of the hour.

The event was a success involving mass participation of neighbourhood schools and students of NGO. Besides interaction the day also witnessed a session on robotics followed by hands on activities for students from NGO who got a platform to work on 3D printer and breadboard components and other prototypes designed by the budding scientists. It was an enriching experience for one and all.

The journey will continue with even greater excitement, commitment and diligence in the years to come because we at MMPS pledge to work towards a better, cleaner and scientifically advanced India. Tinker with Proud!



Learners of  L.K.G class delivered beautiful stories using proper voice intonation, voice modulation and actions.

It was indeed a beautiful sight.

Congratulations! To the winners

L.K.G – A                                                                 


L.K.G - B