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Felicitation of Students by Hindustani Bhasha Academy

International Women’s Day Celebration 2020

“Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.”

                                                                                                           Hillary Clinton

To create awareness on an inconceivable idea about non-existence of universe without the existence of women, International Women’s Day was celebrated in the school on 7th March 2020 amidst dignitaries in auditorium with great fervor. The program commenced with the lamp lightning ceremony by our respected Principal Ma’am Mrs. Rooma Pathak, Revered Director Sir Mr. Somesh Rishi Pathak along with the Chief Guest of day Ms. Meenu Mehta – Chairperson, Child Welfare Committee1 (Bench of Magistrates) at Govt. of NCT of Delhi , Mr. Inderpal Singh- Bollywood actor, writer and campaigner, Mr. Anil Nadir- CEO of Centre for Total Nutrition , Mr. Vijay Mittal - Pathologist and Mr. Sunil Bansal. All the distinguished guests were felicitated with Mementos by our honorable Sir and Ma’am which was later followed by interactive session with Chief Guest who enlightened the teachers about child welfare and their rights. The knowledge of the teachers was also enhanced through interactive talks with doctors on obesity and nutrition. Hilarious and lighter moments were created among all the teachers by Bollywood actor Mr. Inderpal Singh and Hindi poet K.K. Rajasthani through their noteworthy poems and jokes.

The assiduous teachers took back with them a reservoir of ideas and learnings on this International Women’s Day. The teachers felt grateful to Principal Ma’am for this wonderful celebration. The spectacular and memorable program concluded with vote of thanks. Thus, there could have been a no better culmination of Women’s Day.

Best wishes to class X and XII students for CBSE Board Examinations

If you believe in yourself you do not have to fear any challenge. I wish you all the success for your exam!


The youngsters of Grade 1 participated in the most memorable event of the session i.e. “SCIENCE SPECTRUM” on 7th Feb 2020. It was indeed an array of event pertaining to different questions related to Environmental Science, which the children learnt the entire year. The programme got underway with a preliminary round where in 15 children were selected from each section of Grade 1 on 6th Feb 20’. Further the selected contestants of each class move ahead for the Intra Class Competition which was held on 7th Feb 2020. Principal Ma’am applauded the performance of each group and urged the participants to develop a scientific temper for pursuing knowledge on Environmental study as it is equally important like academics.

On the whole, “SCIENCE SPECTRUM” was thoroughly enjoyable and a learning experience for all the students.

Jazz and Jive by Tiny tots

“Jazz and Jive is not just music and dance, It’s the way of life, It’s the way of thinking” ---------- Nina Simone

A lively and uninhibited variational environment was created in the premise of M.M.P.S for the youngsters of Grade U.K.G. As a special Jazz and Jive day was organized for students wherein, they learnt and enjoyed various dances like Rock and Roll, Swing and Roll, Contemporary, Hip Hop etc.

Children also learnt about various Western Musicians like Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Shakira etc. They also learnt about various musical instruments like Bass Guitar, Drum, Fiddle, Bonjo etc.

It was indeed a day of learning beyond academics.

13th Sub-Junior National Soft Tennis Championship 2020

Amateur Soft Tennis Association of Delhi organized 13th Sub-Junior National Soft Tennis Championship 2020 (Boys and Girls) at M.M. PUBLIC from 5th to 9th February 2020 in association with Namaste India Milk, Plaza, Fit India, RCL, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Sports Authority of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Government of India And Amateur Soft Tennis Federation of India.

The event comprises of 22 states with 400+ participants. Daksh Gupta and Harish Gopal of class IX won Bronze Medal in Under-15 Boys category in Team event and Daksh Gupta also bagged Bronze Medal in Mix Doubles event too.

Principal Ma’am, Mrs. Rooma Pathak congratulated both and motivated them to achieve more laurels for their selves, school and the Nation.

Brainfeed School Excellence Award 2019

Consistent hard work leads to success and these moments of success are always motivating…. 

Such moments were once more ushered when the Revered Principal Ma’am Mrs. Rooma Pathak was conferred with Brainfeed Excellence Awards 2019-20 by Brainfeed for Enriching the standards in imparting excellence in education to the GenNext Learners. Principal Ma’am received the award amongst the dignitaries present on 6th February 2020 at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Delhi

English and Hindi Calligraphy Competition

English and Hindi Calligraphy Competition was conducted for the students of L.K.G, U.K.G and Grade 1 on 5th Feb 20’. All the students participated with zeal and passion. They were judged on the basis of proper word formation, neatness and presentation.

The competition ended with joy and vigour.

Hindi Recitation

The Beauty of expression, thoughts, feeling can only be taught through singing melodies in the form of pomes. Hence Hindi Recitation Competition was organized for the little pearls of Grade L.K.G on 4th Feb 20’. The enthusiastic and talented littolians exhibited their talent and confidence by reciting beautiful Hindi “KAVITAYE”. The participants and winners were appreciated and applauded for their brilliant performance.

Congratulations! To the winners.




Toyota Hackathon – CODE FOR SAFER INDIA 2019

It was moment of great enthusiasm when Tanuj Goel and Dev of Class XI were selected in the Top 5 Teams from 200 participating teams during the Toyota Hackathon   – CODE FOR SAFER INDIA  2019 under iSafe – The Safer India Challenge 2019. The students developed implementable Prototype Project to promote road safety and to reduce the frequency and impact of road accidents under the mentorship of students from leading technological institutions. Principal Ma’am appreciated their efforts and motivated them to develop more innovating ideas in this direction.