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Achievement in Skating Zonal Competition

Skating Zonal competition was organized at Maharaj Agrasen Model School from 30th July to 01st August, 2019. It was a moment of great honor and pride when our students bagged positions in different categories.

Divyansh Chawla won I position in 300-meter Race Under 19 category, Sarthak Jayswal won II position in 300-meter Race Under 17 category and III position in 500-meter Race Under 17 category.

School applauds for the champions and wish them luck for their bright future.

Visit to Iskcon Temple

On 1st August, 2019 students of Pre – Primary wing (i.e. L.K.G to 1) went for a religious excursion to the ISKCON TEMPLE to receive blessings from almighty “RADHA KRISHNA”.

The peaceful ambience and the lovely kirtan presented by “Damoder Shyam Ji” filled the heart of little pals with joy and vigour.

Children were encouraged to sing and dance on the chants of ‘Hare Rama’ ‘Hare Krishna’.

The visit was an apt example of leaving beyond the classrooms.

English Recitation Competition

Reading through books is not only medium of learning, fun filled activities and competition to enhance the learning process of each individual. Keeping this in mind English Recitation Competition was organized for the students of L.K.G class on 31st July,19’.

Children were assessed on the basis of expression, voice modulations, actions, pronunciation and props.

Congratulations! To the winners of English Recitation Competition

L.K.G – A : 1. AARADHYA AWASTI; 2. NEHAL JAIN; 3. PRANJAL, YASH                         


Flat Race

Play is the highest form of research.

--Albert Einstein

Keeping this in mind, students of L.K.G enthusiastically participated in “Flat Race” sports activity on 30th July, 2019. Sports activities develop physical abilities, balance and co – ordination.

Congratulations! To the winners

L.K.G – A : 1. ADITYA, 2. ZIYAN, 3. YAMINI                                                               

L.K.G – B : 1. JAPJI, 2. KUSH, 3. DRISHTI

Position in Zonal Level Competition


It was an honour for the school when Jasika of  class XI got IIInd Position in  Solo Singing Zonal Competition held at St.Colombo. School Pitampura on 1st  August 2019.

Lawn Tennis Zonal Tournament

The school playground was filled with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere. MMPS had organized Lawn tennis Zonal Tournament on 25th, 26th and 29th July 2019.  It was the moment of great honour and pride when the Senior girls of MMPS Secured 1st position and boys scored 2nd position and junior girls also scored second position. Almost 20 schools from zone XI participated in the event. The chief guest SPE, Mrs. Pushpa   Ratnam Sports convener Ms. Anita Vats Sports Secretary Boys, Mr. Y.D. Sharma; Sports girls, Mrs. Rajesh along with Mrs. Rooma Pathak, the Principal of school inaugurated the tournament. Mrs.  Rooma   Pathak, our revered Principal welcomed the esteemed gathering and also emphasized on the importance of sports.  The whole event was held under the supervision of Mr. V.S.  Rana and Lawn Tennis coach Mr.  Arif Khan. All in all, it was an over joyous moment for the school and all participants.

Result was as follow-

  3. VRITIKA (X-C)
  3. JAPNEET (X-C)
  1. KARNIKA (V)
  2. OM SHREE (V)


Celebration of Equality & Fraternity Day


‘Young generation is the best messenger to spread awareness about social as well as global issues.’

Equality and Fraternity day was celebrated by all clubs in the school on 31st July 2019 with enthusiasm and vision to make students awake towards equality in the society.

Heritage Club students performed a skit to spread the message of Girl Education which gave a powerful message not only about the miserable conditions of female in the society but also how some girls are forced to get marry in a very early age and how they are treated as a burden on family.

Maths Club students collected data from the last five years on the number of cases of gender inequality and compared it on the basis of comparison, Statistical Analysis was done through bar graphs. Students made bar graphs and Pie charts on A-4 size sheet and shown the comparison. Students used exterior angle theorem of triangle in order to prove that equality + fraternity results in flourish Nation.

Eco Club took the initiative to conduct a Quiz Competition and Poem Recitation.  Students of Eco club took good participation in competition.  They have learnt about saving environment and maintaining in equality in the surrounding. 

Computer Club organised a PowerPoint competition for all classes where students were first guided for searching information about equality in different countries then based on this information, they prepared the presentation and present it in front of other students and teachers very confidently. Their presentation well represented their understanding of the topic.

All in all, the whole school was filled with the spirit of positivity and Equality……

Rally on “Say no to Plastic” by Eco Club


A Rally was carried out on 29th July 2019 by the students and teachers to spread awareness about harmful effects of plastic. Students made amazing posters and wrote their ideas on their posters  such as  Plastic is destroying our planet  and how we can save our planet by lessening the plastic in our daily life so that we can save our planet “EARTH” by reducing the use of plastic in our daily lives So students and teachers took the initiative to aware people and society.

Celebration of 20th Anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas


20th Anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas was celebrated on 26th July 2019, students performed various activities to express their heartwarming feelings towards our Indian soldiers who are true symbol of sacrifice, integrity and unity. Students participated in Poster making, Debate competition. So, we as the citizen of India took this initiative to aware them and society.

My Performance – Fruits


My Performance (Show and tell) is a key part of our school and an important part of each child’s personality development, as it helps to oganise information and build each individuals.

The students of class L.K.G. had ‘Show and Tell’ activity on the Topic“Fruits” on  26th July 19’. It was sightful to see little tiny tots paricipating with full zeal and vigour. They were dressed up as fruits and were speaking about the importance  of fruits.

Kudos to all the L.K.G participants.

Congratulations! To the proud winners.

L.K.G - A                                                                             L.K.G - B

1. JAHNAVI MEHRA                                               1. RUDRA AND AVIKA                    

2. HIMANK GEMINI                                                2. AHANA AND SOHUM

3. HITEN AHUJA                                                      3. AHANA MALIK