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Celebrating Labour’s Day

"No human masterpiece has been created without great labour.”      - Andre Gide

MMPians Salute to the hard work & dedication of each individual who helped to build the Nation. It is only through labours painful efforts by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.

Happy Labour's Day!!!

Observing Labour Day

“All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity, importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”                        -  Martin Luther King.

To inculcate small acts of kindness and also to express gratitude to the real architect of the society i.e. labour, the students celebrated the labour day by doing fun filled art activity and made wonderful paintings by using warli art technique to display better understanding about the labour community and their efforts. It was a great opportunity for all the students to be grateful to labour for their selfless work.

Gratitude for Corona Warriors

“Most of us are safe at home because some have chosen to step out.”

Here little MMPians, to all the workers showing their gratitude for the saviours’ undying spirit and fearless attitude to step out everyday ensuring we stay safe at home.


English Calligraphy competition

Handwriting is more connected to the movement of the heart.

-Natalie Goldberg

English Calligraphy Competition was organized for the youngsters of UKG & Grade 1 on April 24, 2020. The sole aim was to motivate kids to improvise penning skills & to create beautiful writers.

The ebullience of happy children initiated best results.

Congratulations! To the winners.

Show & Tell competition

"Show & Tell" is basically a visual representation of what you speak. As such little pals of Grade LKG spoke on the topic 'Myself' on April 27,2020. Little Jeery's displayed great zeal & enthusiasm while showcasing their glorious speech. Their dynamic participation filled the heart of each parent with cheerfulness.

Congratulations! To all the winners.

1 Position -Nayra Jidani & Yadvi Mishra

2 Position-Ribhav Bhardwaj & Viraj Saini

3 Position- Saksham Dutta & Misthi Gupta

Recycling turns things into magic.

To use the waste material in the best possible way and also to firmly present the idea of reducing waste to save our Earth, the brilliant MMPians created fantabulous model and art items from different waste material. It is amazing to see the little hands developing their artistic skills in such a responsible and beautiful manner.

Earth protect us, we must protect it too.

Earth Day is not only a global event but also celebrated greatly to highlight the uniqueness of our planet Earth. So as a mark of respect for the day, the young and bright MMPIANS made splendid paper collage showing their commitment to save the precious mother earth.

Earth Day Celebration by Primary Students

“Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived.”

To sensitize the issue of environment protection in the young generation, the students of primary wing were asked to show their creativity by using old newspapers to commemorate our benevolent Mother Earth. On the occasion of the Earth Day, the children were sensitized about the conservation of natural resources and motivated to do their bit towards making their planet even more beautiful.

Earth Day Celebration

“Earth is the holiest place in the Universe, Loving the Earth & Living life is the way to generate positive vibrations.”                 -Amit Ray

Earth day is celebrated every year on 22nd April in order to continue promoting Environmental Awareness and to remind each one of us that we can protect our Mother Earth.

Here are the glimpses which proves that lockdown could not stop little MMPians from doing diverse activities on "Earth Day".



Red color day celebration

Colour of Love & Smiles was celebrated by the Pals of L.K.G on 17th April 20'.

Each youngster was excited to speak about various Red Colour Objects.

Children also did various activities associated with red colour.

Congratulations! To the winners.

1st Position-  Nyra Jadani

2nd Position- Viraj

3rd Position- Yadvi