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To raise awareness regarding climate change, Global warming and Saving energy resources, NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION DAY was organized on 14thDec 2020 at a virtual platform. The students were shown PPTs and videos on ways to conserve energy. They were also shown the Solar Panels that are installed in our school. During this session the students made reminder cards with some quotes and messages to encourage conservation of energy. New games were prepared by the students where in they showed their intellect by telling how to conserve energy. All in all, this was an informative session.

Fit India School Week, 2020

“Fitness is not about being better than someone else….. It’s about being better than you used to be''

Awareness of fitness of body, mind and soul was instilled in an entirely new fashion through a Virtual Celebration of various digital activities under Fit India School Week, 2020 during the first week of December.

The MMPians participated in online exercises like Aerobics, Yoga, Rope Skipping etc. They also wrote poems, essays, made posters and participated in quizzes recommended by Govt. of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

School is the first place where habits are formed. By conducting these activities, the students learned the values of self-esteem, confidence and team spirit. They exhibited their talents and accepted the need for fitness during this pandemic.

Thus, the fitness programme was a great venture by Govt. of India and was successfully imparted to all the students.

Human Rights Day

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”

To celebrate the Human Rights Day, a virtual session was organized on December 10, 2020 for the students of Grades - VII & VIII in which the teacher discussed the importance of fundamental rights in the life of every human being.

 Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR is a milestone document that proclaims the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless of race, color, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

At the end a PowerPoint Presentation was shown to students and question answers session was conducted.

All in all, the session was enriching for the students.

Role Play Activity

To develop the communicational and theatricals among the students, an activity was conducted for Grade VIII on December 05 2020 wherein students enacted the characters from Chapter- 9 Women, Caste and Reform of History.

They performed the character of Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar, Swami Vivekanand, PanditaRamabai, etc. They also spoke dialogues of the concerned person.

The students actively participated in this activity.

International Volunteer Day

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

 — Mahatma Gandhi

To promote volunteerism towards ‘Education of All’, an activity was conducted for Grades VI to IX on December 5,2020.

The students volunteered themselves in helping out their siblings, parents and grandparents by teaching them the latest technology that has become a need of the hour. They enjoyed guiding them and felt a sense of responsibility.

This task will be carried forward for the days to come.

Pollution Day Observation

“Environmental Pollution is an incurable disease. It can be only prevented Let us Save our Environment from getting poisoned with pollution” …….Let’s create awareness on National Pollution Control Day.

The National Pollution Control Day is celebrated every year on 2nd of December in India in order to give the honor and memorialize the thousands of human beings who had lost their existence because of the Bhopal gas tragedy.

On this eloquent note, National Pollution Control Day was celebrated by the students of Grade II to V at M.M.Public School. Teachers shared videos and power point presentations to make students aware about the manmade hazards the objective behind the observance of this day is to become awarehow the daily acts of humans have resulted in the surge of pollution, so that we can try to reduce them. Discussion about causes of pollution, types of pollutions and its effects was the focus of sensitization during the commemoration of Bhopal GasTragedy.Students pledged to save Mother Earth. They enthusiastically presented their ideas through SloganWriting and Poster Making for a better future. Principal Ma’am Mrs. Rooma Pathak urged the students and teachers to be a part of the noble act of decreasing pollution and its effects.

Worlds Aids Day Observation

“Prevention is better than cure. Especially when something has no cure”

World Aids Day is observed on 1stDecember every year to create awareness about the symptoms, causes and preventive methods of the pandemic disease HIV/AIDS that has been fatal to takeunprecedented number of lives.

To sensitize the students about this Syndrome, students made posters and explained how the killer virus plays havoc with the immune system and takes the patients to the threshold of death. They also urged that patients suffering from the disease must not be victimized and discriminated against in the society.


"God is one, but he has innumerable forms. He is the creator of all and he himself takes the human form."

Guru Nanak Dev ji was the first of the ten sikh gurus and the founder of sikhism. His birth anniversary is observed as "Gurupurab" across the globe. Guru Nanak travelled widely to spread the message of oneness and compassion.

Pals of L.K.G., U.K.G. and Grade 1 visited Gurudwara Bangla Sahib Ji virtually on 25th November 20'. Serenity and calmness floated all around with the beautiful humming of the shabads.

Students of primary classes celebrated Gurupurab with great devotion and spiritual spirit. The celebration was commenced by briefing the students about the life history and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev ji by their teachers. Students visited Gurudwara sahib virtually to take the blessings of Guru Nanak Dev ji. They watched a short movie on Gurunanak Dev ji teachings. They spoke about Guru Nanak Dev Ji, chanted the Mool Mantra, Shabad, narrated small stories of Guru Sahib ji during Online class and were spreading the message of "Say no to fireworks on this Gurupurab".

An environment of holiness was created and the ethos with which the celebration was organised was fulfilled. Overall children enjoyed a lot and celebrated the festival with great fervour and respect for Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Appreciation to set a new world record!

Revered Principal Madam, Mrs. Rooma Pathak, was felicitated with Appreciation Certificate for her active participation in the Guinness World Records™ attempt for the title “Most users to take an online Artificial Intelligence lesson in 24 hours” on October 13-14, 2020 and helped to set a new world record organized by Team AI for Youth Virtual Symposium.


"Fire is a good servant but a bad master"

To educate and train the students for an unforeseen emergency situation like fire, the school conducted a mock exercise and evacuation drill on November25,2020 on a virtual platform.

A demonstration of using fire safety equipment was conducted by the experts from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services in the documentary online, to sensitize the staff and students about life saving and rescue techniques in case of fire. The objective of the exercise was to create awareness among the students of fire -fighting techniques and the ways to respond swiftly in times of such emergency situations. Mock safety drills and safety procedures to be adopted were explained to the students and staff members.

The goals were set up for fire drills and shared with the students and employees which encouraged the students not to panic and stay positive during the outbreak of fire. They also leant how to operate fire equipment like extinguishers and use fire blankets etc.