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Story Telling : Mental Health

A wise man once said “After nourishment,  shelter and companionship,  stories are the thing we need the most in the world." It's the stories that give wings to our imagination and take us to places beyond the boundaries.  Since time immemorial,  story telling has been an integral part of our childhood.  To keep the tradition going and to incite curiosity,  a Story Telling session was conducted where happiness, positivity and expression was in abundance. It helps students to improve their expressiveness,  language skills,  instills love of reading and imagination. It was an interactive session which was thoroughly enjoyed by the students.

Observation of Mental Health Week

M.M. Public School observed Mental Health Week from 4th to 10th October 2020 on the occasion of Worlds Mental Health Day celebrated on 10th October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilizing efforts in support of better mental health.

A special assembly was conducted for students and teachers by the School Counselor, Mrs. Sheetal Dewan. She emphasized on understanding and early recognition of mental illness, role of students in society in reducing the stigma related to mental illness. She enlightened the students on managing stress and finding ways to develop coping strategies to reduce the stress. Information about Manodarpan toll free helpline and webpage were also disseminated to the students.

During this week, teachers and students enthusiastically participated in storytelling, poster making and slogan writing activities. In order to develop understanding and bring awareness among students of all age’s teachers narrated stories in interactive manner to enable reflection by students on different aspects of mental well being in the story. Posters and slogans were also created by students to create awareness on mental health for sensitizing others.


To increase awareness of Gender Inequality faced by girls worldwide, the school celebrated Girl Child Day virtually on 9th October, 2020 wherein the students of Grade VI to IX performed various activities like poster making, slogan writing and poem recitation. A documentary on empowering girls was also shown to the students. A pledge was taken to ensure that all girls have access to quality education and a dignified life.

Swachhta Pakhwada Week

To develop a sense of responsibility in cleaning and protecting the environment for the betterment of society Swachhata Pakhwada week was observed from 2nd October to 9th October. Students performed activities like keeping their homes, neighbourhood clean and making the environment plastic free. Hand washing activity was focused upon as the most important part of everyday's life. Students participated in these activities with great enthusiasm.


“Positive leaders only empower people to accomplish their goals.”

It was momentous ceremonial occasion when students as torch bearers of discipline and dedication were sworn in as devoted leaders in a virtual Investiture Ceremony on 8 October 2020 with full zeal & zest and enthusiasm.  Principal Ma’am Mrs. Rooma Pathak   entrusted hope, faith and the mantle of responsibility in the newly appointed school cabinet and guided the Student Council Members to be the role models and render their responsibilities sincerely as the nation builders of tomorrow. She also advised the students to inculcate the values of punctuality, dedication, discipline and determination as they are the captains who have to sail the ship of school smoothly. Then after a brief introduction of the young leaders, Head Boy Tanuj Goel   Head Girl Jasika Anand from class XII along with other newly elected charge leaders were conferred with sashes by their parents on virtual platform. The House Captains, Vice Captains, Class Captains were also felicitated with badges by their proud parents.

The newly elected Head Boy Tanuj Goel and Head Girl Jasika Anand administered the pledge of upholding discipline, decorum as well as motto and tradition of the school with utmost sincerity and dignity followed by few words of gratitude and gratification to Director Sir Mr. Somesh Rishi

Pathak and Principal Ma'am Mrs. Rooma Pathak for entrusting faith in them. They committed to live up to their expectations.

Then the Ceremony culminated with National Anthem followed by vote of thanks to all the parents.

Thus, the virtual Investiture Ceremony was able to impart the message:

“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.”

Show and Tell Competition

Show and Tell Competition on Means of Transport was organised for the students of U.K.G.on 30th Sep.20' to strengthen the verbal skills and to fasten public speaking competency of the young minds.

Children prepared various props to present themselves. Student's Involvement in individual activity infused in them originality, Self- Confidence and Self-reliance. It was an interesting and a thrilling experience for the kids, sharing their feelings with peer.

Show and Tell on Action Words

Caricature Activity on "ACTION WORDS" was words done by Grade 1 students on 30th Sep 20’ where in a brief discussion on explanation of action words were done by the students through the various module, props, pictures etc.

Another activity done which enhanced the creative learning of each child in a fun-loving environment.

Show and Tell on Animals

Show & Tell Competition on "ANIMAL KINGDOM" i.e. Wild, domestic and aquatic animals was celebrated on 30th Sep 20' through virtual session.

Little pals descripted themselves beautifully.

This activity helped the students to communicate feeling, thoughts & emotions with words.

All the students participated in this activity with zeal & motivation.


“Wealth is lost nothing is lost…..Health is lost everything is lost.”

The initiative of healthy mind, soul and body for the citizens of India undertaken by our honourable  Prime Minister Sh. Narender Modi  through  Fit India Movement  was carried forward by our Principal Ma’am Mrs. Rooma Pathak by encouraging the students, teachers and parents to engage themselves in physical activities like Running, Jogging, brisk walk under the Fit India Freedom Run to commemorate the 151 birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi  with the cooperation of  students , parents and staff members  through virtual platform by clicking their photographs ensured the support to Fit India Freedom Run .

MMPians Scholars

The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well; and doing well whatever you do…” —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  

It really warms my heart to see you succeeding like this. Congratulations!