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Learning Blending Words

BLENDING AND SEGMENTING of Sounds ‘together was taught to Grade 1 students on 12th April 21' in order to assist the learners to read and write new words. Children wrote 'Fl' sound words on different shapes and pasted them on A4 Size sheet. This activity helped students to enhance their reading, writing skills and also enhanced their vocabulary.

Learning Hindi Alphabets

बच्चों के बौद्धिक विकास को ध्यान में रखते हुए दिनांक 12-04-21को कक्षा यू के जी के छात्रों को व्यंजन से संबंधित क्रिया कराई गई ।अनुभवातमक क्रिया के अन्तर्गत बच्चों ने व्यंजनों से संबंधित फलैशकार्ड बनाए और विषय को समझा। क्रिया में कला एकीकरण को भी सम्मिलित किया गया ।

Teeth Brushing Activity

Brush Brush Brush your teeth, Brush it Everyday,

Father, Mother, Brother, Sister Brush it Everyday.

Tooth Brushing is the act of scrubbing teeth with a toothbrush, usually equipped with toothpaste.

To maintain the oral hygiene routine tiny tots of Pre School Learnt to Brush Their Teeth in a Fun & Convivial way by their teacher on 8th April 21'. The little one's learnt to move their Floss between each tooth in order to make sure that no food or plaque is left behind after Brushing.

Red Day celebration

Red is the Rose, Red is the Cherry 🍒

Red are the cheeks, Of all the tiny tots. 👧🏽🧒

Colour RED Signifies Strength, Power & Determination as such little Jerry's of Pre School celebrated RED COLOUR DAY on 7th April '21. Children learnt various activities which helped them to sort & classify objects based on Colours by reinforcing their COGNITIVE SKILLS.

Award Celebration

With a smile on the face

And very charming grace

You worked day and night

At a constant PACE


Mrs. Rooma Pathak, a hard working, organized visionary and forward-thinking Principal was bestowed with THE STATE TEACHER'S AWARD 2020 by   the Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Mr. Manish Sisodia in the august presence of dignitary Shri Udit Prakash Rai, Director of Education, on Friday 26 March 2021 at Auditorium, Delhi Secretariat.

It was a splendid moment when all MMPS members gathered together to congratulate her and shared few light moments with her. She spoke her heart and everyone felt the fact that “The Reward for Work Well Done Is the Opportunity to Do More..........”

This award is indeed a worthy acknowledgement of the initiatives taken by ma’am in the field of education. Congratulations and best wishes to her for such a grand success.

Pariksha Pe Charcha-2021

The 4th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha, an interactive programme was held on April 7, 2021 in virtual mode by adhering the COVID-19 protocols where students, parents, teachers were given a chance to discuss their fears, aspirations, concerns, and suggestions with the honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

This interaction aimed at boosting the morale and confidence of the students. Our Prime Minister Modi answered the questions raised by the students on how they can beat exam stress and anxiety. Along with this, he also shared tips on how to perform well in the upcoming board exams.

Thus, all in all, this interaction was highly beneficial and successful in empowering not only the students but also the parents and teachers about their positive approach towards examinations and outlook to life.

Pariksha Pe Charcha-2021

The 4th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha, an interactive programme was held on April 7, 2021 in virtual mode by adhering the COVID-19 protocols where students, parents, teachers were given a chance to discuss their fears, aspirations, concerns, and suggestions with the honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

This interaction aimed at boosting the morale and confidence of the students. Our Prime Minister Modi answered the questions raised by the students on how they can beat exam stress and anxiety. Along with this, he also shared tips on how to perform well in the upcoming board exams.

Thus, all in all, this interaction was highly beneficial and successful in empowering not only the students but also the parents and teachers about their positive approach towards examinations and outlook to life.

The Struggle of Frontline Warriors & Awareness on Covid 19

To create awareness among students, parents and teachers about the struggle of front-line warriors- doctors, health-care workers, and medical staff members, who have been working selflessly for the benefit of the society during this ongoing pandemic, a webinar was organized on April 7, 2021 at a virtual platform.

The webinar commenced with the welcome of Dr. Kanav Anand, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)- Gold Medalist, Pediatric Nephrologist and Pediatric Renal Transplant Physician at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital by our revered Principal Ma'am Ms. Rooma Pathak.

Experience about pandemic and the hardships faced by front line warriors in putting their own lives at risk with selfless determination for the sake of saving lives was shared by the expert Dr. Kanav Anand. Further emphasis was laid by him on creating awareness about Covid Appropriate Behavior (CAB), Covid Vaccine and its after effects, precautions to be taken by specifically kidney patients and a diet to be followed to improve immunity.

After a short question answer round with our dear students and their parents, the session ended with heartfelt thanks to respected Dr. Kanav Anand for such an inspirational and informative webinar. Indeed, this session was worthy to attend and valuable as it motivated everyone and helped all to be more cautious.

Young Scientist India - Innovation Competition

Young Scientist India is an innovation competition to promote science awareness among high school students’, to increase their understanding of science, and to attract them into scientific careers and explore, as there is a BIG VACUUM in the enrolment of young scientists in our research centers.

Lavi Hassija of class XI participated enthusiastically and submitted his innovative idea in agriculture category that holistically represent the solution necessary to build an economy that works for all in the digital era.

MMPS is extremely happy on his selection as FINALIST among schools from all over India and wish the budding scientist good luck for final round to be held in last week of April 2021.

Principal ma’am felicitation for International Olympiad of Value System, Health & Wellness

It was a dignified moment when a certificate of a visionary Principal was presented to our esteemed Principal ma’am Ms. Rooma Pathak in recognition of her incessant guidance to students in strengthening their essential success skills.

15 students from classes III to X won positions in International Olympiad of Value System, Health & Wellness by Zenik on 28th of November 2020 and honed their Emotional Intelligence, Critical Thinking, Goal Setting, Stress and Anger Management, Success Skills and many more such valuable life skills.