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Bharat ka Amrit Mahotsav

“Yoga is a flame. When you light it up, the glow never fades away.”

 To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Independence and to keep abreast with project of Bharat Ka Amrit Mahotsav by CBSE to perform “75 Crore Surya Namaskar” ,  as a token of gift to our beloved motherland India  twelve poses of Surya Namaskar will be  performed by students of classes I to IX  of M.M. Public School on regular basis.

On Day 1, Pranam Asana which is also known as Prayer Pose was performed by students of class on Monday, 17th January 2022.  They were also updated about the importance of this first phase of Surya Namaskar.

Thus, through this great initiative of CBSE, MMPIANS not only understood how to be in accurate Prayer Pose but also significance of paying respect to Lord Sun through Surya Namaskar.

राष्ट्रीय युवा दिवस

"तुम जो कुछ सोचोगे, तुम वही हो जाओगे।

 अगर तुम अपने को दुर्बल समझोगे, तो तुम दुर्बल बन जाओगे।

 बलवान सोचोगे तो बलवान बन जाओगे"।


क्या खूब कहा था स्वामी विवेकानंद जी ने, इन दो पंक्तियों में ही जीवन का सार छिपा है। एम.एम. पब्लिक स्कूल, पीतमपुरा दिल्ली ने दिनांक 12 जनवरी 2022 को स्वामी विवेकानंद के जन्मदिवस के उपलक्ष्य में वर्चुअल 'राष्ट्रीय युवा दिवस' का आयोजन किया। इसमें छात्रों और विद्यालय के सभी  शिक्षकों ने बढ़ चढ़कर हिस्सा लिया। छात्रों ने स्वामी जी के जीवन से संबंधित प्रेरक और रोचक प्रसंगों पर चर्चा की एवं युवाओं के व्यक्तित्व निर्माण में स्वामी जी की शिक्षाओं और सिद्धांतों पर परिचर्चा की तथा राष्ट्रीय युवा दिवस के अवसर पर स्पेशल असेंबली में शिक्षकों ने स्वामी विवेकानंद जी के जीवन दर्शन और अध्यात्म पर चर्चा की तथा कविता वाचन किया। सभी ने स्वामी विवेकानंद जी के सिद्धांतों पर चलने का संकल्प लिया। इस प्रकार समस्त विद्यालय ने स्वामी विवेकानंद जी के जन्मदिवस को मनाया तथा उनके सिद्धांतों व आदर्श जीवन का पुनः स्मरण किया एवं प्रेरणा प्राप्त की।


‘Let’s stab Covid-19 by getting Covaxin Jab’

To prevent ongoing transmission of Corona Virus as well as to accelerate Covid 19 vaccination among adolescents on a ‘mission mode’, a Free Vaccination Camp to administer Covaxin among the age group of 15-18 years was organised by our school in collaboration with Delhi Government on Tuesday, 11 January 2022.

Almost two hundred students of our school and nearby vicinity were vaccinated by the medical team of Delhi Government in school premises.  Proper Covid protocols were followed under the strict supervision of our honorable Principal Ma'am Mrs. Rooma Pathak which ensured total safety and security of students. The entire school staff was on toes to provide all sorts of assistance to the parents and children. The vaccinated students were kept under proper observation for thirty minutes before sending them off.

The process of vaccination ended by 2:30 pm in a systematic and organized manner. The enthusiastic students took their selfies on the Selfie Board which stated 'My first Step to fight Covid’ and ‘Elated to Get Vaccinated’. It was a novel experience for the young generation to get vaccinated. The positive response of parents for getting their children vaccinated was surely a sign towards winning the battle against coronavirus. Thus, it was a great initiative to combat rapidly rising cases of Covid-19.

Pink and Orange Colour Day celebration by Pre-School students

Colours, Colours , so many beautiful colours.

Colours make me feel bright.

The world is filled with colours,

So many different colours.

Colours Red, Yellow, Green and Blue.

The Pre-Schoolers celebrated "Pink and Orange Colour Day" in the month of December 21', with lots of fun and enthusiasm. Children were dressed up according to the theme of the day to celebrate the occasion. Children learnt the colours through Hands-on-Experience.  They watched colour songs, associated movies and also sang jingles of Colour Song. Colours are indeed the smiles of nature.

The kids felt the joy of learning about vibrant colours through their immediate environment.

Show and Tell Activity

A key part of any kindergarten curriculum 'Show and tell ' is an important part of child's learning development as it helps them to organise information and build through confidence. It's also a great way to encourage child's interest in a particular topic. To enhance effective communication 'Show and tell' competition was organised for Grade L.K.G. on "Insects" & For U.K.G. on "Types of Houses" which was conducted in the month of December. Students were excited to share their descriptive narration on TYPES OF HOUSES & INSECTS. Their dress, charts, posters etc. added to their enriching atmosphere.

Overall, the show was spectacular learning experience for kids.

Toddlers’ Achievements at Inter-School level

"Chase excellence and success will follow".

With immense pride, we share that Ribhav Bharadwaj of Grade- Pre-Primary has got Distinguished position in "A Virtual Inter - School Fiesta" organized by Kulachi Hansraj Model School.

The event was "Toe Tappers" in which he had to perform a Solo Dance Performance using properties.

The school applauds the hard work and dedication for his stellar performance.

We are again glad to announce that Samridhi Malik of Grade-Pre-School has got Consolation Prize in "An Inter- School Fest, Velocity Unlimited 2021" organised by ASN International School.

The event was "SEASON GALLORE" where she depicted the beauty of different seasons by using her creativity and imagination.

The MMPian Family is proud of the tremendous efforts and wishes her all the best for future endeavours.

Story Telling Activity

To instill the techniques of Story Narration an activity of Story Telling was conducted in class II on Tuesday, 28th December '2021 at virtual platform. Stories in English based on moral values were narrated by young kids of class II to their whole class. Each young story narrator narrated the story with props and laid full emphasis on voice modulation, voice intonation and added special effects to make the story interesting. The students were excited and listened the story attentively with great interest.

Thus, Story Telling Activity was interesting, exciting and educating for the students of class II.

MMPS In News

It was a matter of great honor that the ideas and views about implementation of goals and objectives of New Education Policy in the shape   of Article Writing titled “New Education Policy is a Welcoming Change” by Revered Principal Madam Ms. Rooma Pathak was published in prestigious newspaper Hindustan Times dated 28 December 2021.

Such articles written by esteemed Principal Ma’am regarding new perspectives towards education bring transformation in the mindset of the society.

New Year Celebration

To bid adieu to 2021 and welcome the New Year 2022 with elation and open arms, New Year Celebration was organized for students from pre -primary to class VIII on Friday, 31st December 2021 on virtual platform.

Students from pre- primary to class VIII participated in different activities like Making of Greeting Cards, Recital of Poems, Writing Resolutions along with messages of love and compassion for all which infused the spirit of optimism and gaiety among the students.

All in All, it was a grand celebration which was celebrated with great enthusiasm and excitement with warmest wishes of a ‘Happy and Prosperous New Year 2022’.

May this New Year be Corona Free and bring happiness as well as good health for all.

Achievement in Athletic Junior Zonal

“Hard Work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”

It was a moment of great pride when Krish Minj of Class VII got III Position in 600mt. Race in Athletic Zonal Event held at Bal Bharti Public School, Pitampura on Thursday 23 December 2021.

The school congratulates him for this achievement and wishes him good luck for future endeavors.