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“Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga, they come together in the present”

To stay strong in order to face the tough times it is even more important to build up our immunity, within the four walls of our house. In the pursuit of the same, on 8th International Yoga Day, the students of classes VI to IX participated in Yoga sessions in the school premises on Tuesday, 21 June 2022.

The day was celebrated by the students with great enthusiasm and vigor. The students demonstrated various asanas followed by Surya Namaskar, Omkar chanting, Warm up exercises, Sitting and Standing Asanas along with Pyramid Making Yoga postures. Students also made Yoga logo followed by Rhythmic Yoga. The benefits of the postures were narrated by the Yoga teacher and the importance of meditation and pranayama, in day-to-day life to keep one mentally, physically, psychologically healthy was highlighted.

 Yoga embodies the unity of mind and body to instill confidence and bring learning to children on an experiential level and teaches them to persevere, be patient, and work towards their goals.  It also provides tools for practicing compassion, mindfulness, generosity, focus, strength, and flexibility.

The celebration concluded with some breathing techniques and exercises like Pranayama, Anulom-Vilom, Meditation and Relaxation with Laughter yoga. The students were encouraged to practice regular yoga to remain fit and improve concentration as they showcased very energetic performance. The spirit of the whole session filled the children with happiness and joy.

BEST ECO CLUB AWARD 2022 by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Wildlife, Govt. of NCT Delhi

It was a moment of prestige and glory when on the occasion of World Environment Day, MMPS was awarded BEST ECO CLUB AWARD, 2022 for its contribution to safeguarding the Environment of Delhi through exceptionally performing Eco Club on Sunday, 5 June by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Wildlife, Govt. of NCT Delhi at Indira Gandhi Stadium.

The award was received by our assiduous Principal Madam, Ms. Rooma Pathak, amidst the department members and principals from various schools. The Chief Guest Mr. Gopal Rai, Minister for Environment, Forest & Wildlife appreciated the wonderful and transformative work done by students to restore our planet. MMPS has marched ahead under the leadership of honorable Principal Ma’am in dealing with long term environmental sustainability and making society as well as nation clean and green by doing waste management and endorsing innovative ideas to save biodiversity.

The school fraternity conveys its heartiest congratulations to the Eco Club team for its achievement and beating the renowned schools of Delhi.

World Bicycle Day

‘Decrease of Pollution, Disease Prevention with proper cycling function.’

To strengthen overall physical and mental fitness and to empower the role of recent generation towards achieving the goal of sustainable development, World Bicycle Day was celebrated on Friday, 3 June 2022 by all the students of MMPS.

The students from senior wing organized Prabhat Pheris using bicycles in and around the school and their own localities with posters and placards to spread awareness about the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle. Teachers motivated their spirit by joining them in the ride.

Thus, the celebration of World Bicycle Day emphasized that cycling is multi-dimensional exercise with numerous health benefits and also inculcated environmental consciousness. It also helps in saving fuel and keeps environment healthy.


The National Cadet Corps grooms the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The young MMPIANS developed their character and enhanced their spirit of adventure service by attending the CATC Camp held from 23rd May 2022 to 1st June 2022 at DG NCC Camp, Delhi Cantt.

Students learnt about self-discipline and self-defense. Students did various activities like March Past, Shooting, Mock Drills, Firing, Games, Drawing Competition and Different Exercises. The students of MMPS who attended the camp were:- Shashwat Kashyap of class X, Pushkar Chopra and Amit Kumar of class IX. The Commanding Officer of the CATC Camp was Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Kutty NC.

All cadets received participation certificates. Cadet Shashwat Kashyap made the school proud by receiving the Merit Certificate for Good Command Control during the Camp.

The entire training session was highly beneficial for the students to follow the motto of NCC “Unity and Discipline” to be secular and disciplined citizens of the Nation.

Conscious Planet Movement to ‘Save Soil’

When it comes to environmental protection, the MMPians never leave any stone unturned to participate in all sorts of tasks assigned to them.

With the same spirit, the students and their families wrote about 2000 letters to the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi during the third week of May highlighting the catastrophic crisis of soil which could run out of topsoil in about next 60 years. This project under the mission ‘Save Soil’ has been initiated by Sadhguru, the Founder of Isha Foundation who has embarked a lone motorcycle journey of 30,000 kilometers passing various countries and meeting environmentalists. After reaching Delhi on June 5, 2022, Sadhguru will hand over all of the letters to the Prime Minister.

Various workshops for teachers and students were conducted on this crucial topic. Students also made posters and wrote slogans on Save Soil highlighting the need for empowering the government of India to initiate policy-driven action to revitalize the soil and prevent further degradation.

Learning Alphabet ‘F’ and Number ‘4’ by Pre-Primary

“My friends and I

Went to the beach

With my floating fish

It got a hole…..

…… the air came out,

    f f f f f f f”


Count …. 1

Count …. 2

Count …. 3

Count …. 4

Little Munchkins of Grade Pre-School happily learnt alphabet "F" and Number 4 through art integrated activities.

#LearningIsFun #JollyPhonics #Numbers #CreativeActivities #Innovation #LoveForMyTeachers


“Smoking is like paying someone to kill you!!!”

To make the students realize the harms of tobacco, a series of activities were conducted for Class VI-IX on Thursday,12th May 2022 in the school premises.

The students of Grade-VI to Grade-IX prepared CREATIVES such as Posters, Essay Writing and Slogan Writing depicting the harmful effects of Tobacco in a very convincing way and also took Pledge to educate youth to stay away from tobacco as it is deleterious to health. All the students participated zealously with great passion and perceived the detrimental effects of Tobacco on physical and mental health.

All the students enthusiastically participated in the activities. Our Revered Principal Madam Mrs. Rooma Pathak appreciated the efforts of students with a message to stay away from Tobacco for their healthy self and healthy society.


‘We are in this together and we will get through this together.’

To mobilize the chain of vaccination and overcome this deadly disease, Free Vaccination Camp was organized on Tuesday, 17th May 2022 in the premises of M.M. Public School for the age group of 12 to 14 years.

Over 61 children from our school and nearby vicinity benefitted from the vaccination by a well-qualified team of doctors which surely will prove to be a great help in controlling the rise of the epidemic. This was carried out under the strict observance of Covid protocols. All precautions and measures were taken to ensure the safety of children until felt fit to send home with their parents. The zeal and trust shown by parents were truly a felicitation.

The entire vaccination camp was successfully carried out under the able direction and supervision of our honorable Principal Madam Ms. Rooma Pathak.

Alphabet ‘E’

Eggs in the pan, /e/, /e/, /e/

Eggs in the pan, /e/, /e/, /e/

Eggs in the pan, /e/, /e/, /e/

Crack the eggs like this.

Alphabet recognition enables the beginner readers to figure out how printed text is associated with spoken language. As such little Jerries of Grade L.K.G learnt alphabet ‘E’ on May 12, 2022’ through lots of Fun Activities.


"The effectiveness of coping with disasters depends on how prepared you are to deal with disasters".

In continuation with the exercise to create awareness among the students and school staff members about disaster management, a mock drill was conducted by CEASE FIRE INDUSTRIES in MMPS on Monday, April 19, 2022, alerting everyone about the ways to respond swiftly in times of such emergencies.

The objective of the mock drill is to review the organization's emergency preparedness plan and evaluate the quality of the standard operating procedure, so that concerned persons would deliver their duties effectively while keeping in cognizance of life and property.

With school laboratories becoming more prone to fire accidents, students and teachers were educated on how to respond to fire emergencies with care.

The drill was carried out in the school premises to prepare students and other staff members for any such eventuality under the fire risk reduction programme. Teacher and student volunteers were guided and assisted by conscripts from CEASE FIRE COMPANY to use the required equipment for fire extinguishers.

The students were also advised not to panic in such situations and were instructed to be with teachers and follow their instructions. Volunteers from CEASE FIRE INDUSTRIES shared simple and easy guidelines to follow with the students and also awarded them about Do's and Dont's regarding the possibilities of fire. Some students were also called on stage to operate fire extinguishers independently.

Mock Drill was monitored by respected principal madam Mrs. Rooma Pathak. The Drill proved to be informative and an imperative lesson on life-saving skills.