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Peace Poster Competition

Art club of M.M.PUBLIC SCHOOL, vasudha enclave, pitampura New Delhi organized poster making competition on the topic PEACE in the school premises on 30 th April 2015 .All the students of art club participated and filled the whole atmosphere with the vibrant colors .These young artist painted their imagination in diverse colors on the topic "PEACE". This competition was organized under the guidance of Mrs. PRITI ANAND (HOD of art and craft)


Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year.On this day numerous celebrations are held worldwide to demonstrate the support for environmental protection.

Our school celebrated this day with great enthusiasm and tried to spread awareness among the children.

On this day, a special assembly was organized. The stage was decorated with the posters and quotations which were written by our students. Mehak Khurana  of class 10-A hosted the event with huge enthusiasm, Sunny Sharma of class 10-A and Nishant of class 10-C shared their views through speech on "HOW TO SAVE OUR EARTH". Our tiny stars Mehak and Syma of class 3-B  recited a beautiful poem "THE EARTH ANTHEM". Anushka of class 9-A also recited a wonderful poem showing her concern about our mother earth. Last but not the least Himanshi of class 10-C recited a Hindi poem which was really inspiring and heart touching. The celebrations of earth day were motivational and inspiring to all the students. They took back the message to save and protect our mother earth.

Release of Book "Kiran Bedi : Making of the Top Cop" and Panel Discussion

It was a moment of immense pride and glory when two students Rashi Vats (Head girl) and Manik Sharma (Head boy) of M.M.P.S. were invited for the release of the illustrative story book ? ?Kiran Bedi: Making of the Top Cop? on 11 April 2015 in IIT Delhi, amidst the great dignitaries and in the presence of the social activist and IPS Officer Dr. Kiran Bedi. It was followed by a panel discussion on the topic ?Early Leadership and the role of school and family?. 1200 students and teachers participated in the discussion. Dr. Amrita Bahl (Editor of the Book) opened the event with of her views on Early Leadership qualities. 109 students of MMPS participated in the discussion. The panel members not only included Dr. Kiran Bedi, Ms. Rachna Pandit (Principal Delhi Public School), Mr. Ashok Kumar (Additional DG of Police and President IIT Alumni) but also head boys and head girls of all participating schools. The participation of the head boy and head girl of MMPS was praiseworthy. Many students asked questions to the panel members which were answered with patience. The question on leadership was answered by Rashi (Head Girl) and she was appreciated for it. Thus all in all the motivating and convincing views of the panel members enlightened numerous minds of the audience. It was an enriching experience for the MMPIANS.


It was a matter of great honor when the school received "International School Award 2015-16" on April 21, 2015 for implementing English language assessment on international platform through Planet EDU headed by John Kerr, the Chief Executive. The award was given on behalf of Principal Mrs. Rooma Pathak to Mrs. Anju Khurana (HOD English) along with Mrs. Priti Anand and Mrs. Alka Kapoor in Airforce Academy amidst loud cheering.

Interaction with Mrs. Angela Ffrench, Director of Operations South and South East Asia

It was a matter of great honour for the students of class XII and XI to have an interaction with the Director of operations South and South East Asia, Angela Ffrench on April 21 2015.She was greeted with bouquet of flowers and Memento. The interaction began with a round of questions like how we can improve communicational skills. Who was her inspiration? How can one enhance his communication skills? She answered smilingly that her inspiration was her mother who believed in the power of education and how it can bring revolution. Her answers inspired the students to excel in future. All in all it was a motivational and inspiring interaction.

Question:  Good Afternoon Ma'am, Thanks for visiting our school.  May I ask  what according to you should be the qualities of a good communicator?

Answer: Well that?s a very beautiful question asked. I would like the answer from you all but for me a good communicator is first of all a good listener. He should be confident enough to answer all the questions sensibly not dynamically, just for the sake of speaking. He should be patient and influential. Fluency in the language also plays a vital role in a communication. The person should be able to understand what the other person wants to covey. Well! I think that would be all I want to say.

Question: Thomas Elva Edison once quoted,? Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration ?All of us need an inspiration to achieve our goals.  Ma?am we would like to know who is your inspiration?

Answer I have a totally different inspiration. I lost my father when I was very young and it was quite difficult for my mother to bring me up. She believed in the power of education and felt that one can revolutionize the world with belief in education. My mother worked very hard and brought me up with good qualitative education. Today, whatever I have pursued in life is all because of her continuous support.

Question: How can we improve our communicative skills for interviews?

Answer: First of all we should be confident and sure about our answers. We should never give wrong answers in hurry.

Question: How can we improve our oratory skills?

Answer:  A lot of practice is required so that you can stand in front of audience and speak confidently. Clear your doubts when you are stopped in between the topic and make your communication skills stronger so that you may talk fluently with others.

Question: How are communication skills important and effective for information?

Answer: Communication skills are important as it brings clarity in the information the person wants to convey. A person should speak without any pause and confusion Even if he has to convey a bad news he is able to inform without any emotions.


Question: Ma?am how can we communicate with courtesy in a difficult or tense situation?

Answer: Communication is one of the best sources of reducing our stress or to face our difficulties. One can communicate with courtesy only if he is confident about what he is speaking or what he is going to speak. One cannot face his audience if he is not sure about his words. Most of the people have a habit to throw the questions on others, if they don?t know the answer to the question asked from them. This kind of behavior does not help us in any way. So, if you want to communicate with courtesy you need to be sure and confident about the words, only then one can achieve his goal.          

Question: How communication skills enhance one?s personality?

Answer: Communication skills are very important for enhancing one?s personality. The way one speaks and listens matters a lot. A good listener should not interrupt the speaker and while speaking one?s voice should be clear, confident and hold the attention of the speaker.

Question: When you came to India for the first time did you face any challenge while communicating with Indians?

Answer: No, I didn?t face any problem as I have my partner with me who is there to help me at all places. But once I went to an Indian restaurant and I ate a thin chapatti which was very delicious but I didn?t remember its name. The only problem I face with India is that the names of the dishes in India are very confusing.

Question: In country like India, how can we bring uniformity in communication skills where different types of people are settled?

Answer: English is a mixture of so many languages so it is not necessary to bring uniformity in the language.  People can speak as they want but the way they speak it, should have clarity and they need to improve their pronunciation so that the foreigners can understand it easily. In fact many words of Indian language are there in Oxford Dictionary like bungalow etc. So there is no need to bring uniformity if all are able to understand.   

Road to Wimbledon

"Road to Wimbledon" organized by official organizers of Wimbledon was launched in India in 2014. This year the tournament had 4 initial rounds. These initial round tournaments were held in Kolkota, Chandigarh, Delhi and Mumbai in January and February 2015. Top 16 players of these tournaments qualified for the "MASTERS" of "ROAD TO WIMBLEDON" held in Delhi on 11th April 2015. The top two finalists have been selected to represent India in WIMBLEDON Under -1 4 tournament to held in August 2015. Among the two finalists one was Sacchitt Sharma, proud student of class IX of our School.


MMPian selected for Indian team in World Junior Tennis Cup

"May today's success be the beginning of tomorrow's achievements."

It was a moment of pride when Sacchitt Sharma, class VIII of M M Public School  was selected in Indian  team to represent the country in the regional qualifying events of World Junior Tennis Cup under-14 age group as announced by All India Tennis Association (AITA) in the event to be held in Bangkok from 20th April 2015 to 25th April 2015.

The top four teams from the zone will qualify for the World Group finals, to be staged in Prostejov, Czech Republic, for under-14 age Group from 3rd August 2015 to 8th August 2015.

We wish his team great success in the lead up to, and during the Tour. They have the support of the whole school fraternity and the nation on achieving this historic milestone

Holi Celebration on 5th March 2015

  Celebration of Holi

"Let the colors of Holi spread the message of peace and happiness."

M.M.P.S always encourages tiny tots to celebrate all the festivals with great fervor and passion. Our tiny tots from Class LKG to V enjoyed playing with different colors not only with each other but also with their teachers. Principal Mam Ms. Rooma Pathak could not resist joining them. Gujia-the sweet delicacy was distributed among the children. Class teachers narrated the mythological story related to the festival. Tiny tots echoed the nook and corner of the school with the message of love, affection, friendship and prosperity. The day full of fun and frolic kept the memories of festival of colors fresh forever.

MMPian selected for Indian Basketball team in Asian championship

"When you've got something to prove, there's nothing greater than a challenge."

Satyajeet of class XI accepted this challenge enthusiastically when he got selected in the Indian Basketball team for the Asian championship to be held from 4th March 2015 to 14th March 2015 at Chiang, Thailand.

We feel proud to nurture the talented Satyajeet and wish him good luck. May he be the winner and achieve new heights in his career.

Day Camp for Primary classes on 25th February 2015

MM Public School organized a day camp on 25th February 2015 for its Primary Wing. 

Various adventurous activities and games were there. Students enjoyed the activities and got the experience of campaigning.

All the students were divided into groups. Each group was allotted a name and an instructor to guide the rules. In between the activities students had their breakfast, lunch and snacks. The day camp winded up with a "Magical Show"