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Observing Road Safety Week from 11th January 2015 to 17th January 2015

A road safety week was celebrated by the school students, teachers and other staff members from 11th January 2015 to 17thJanuary 2015.

On Day - 1 i.e. 12th January 2015 POSTERS were put in the school premises and on the gate too with messages for Road Safety. And various banners were put outside gate for observing Road Safety week.

On Day - 2 i.e. 13th January 2015 a rally was conducted where students told people about safety measures that general public can take for their and others safety. PAMPHELTS on road safety rules were distributed to the entire school and outside people. The motive to create awareness among the students and general public regarding road safety was achieved upto great extent.

On Day - 3 i.e. 15th January 2015 in morning assembly was conducted where SPEECH on the topic ?Safety Is Not Just a Slogan, Its Way of Life? was delivered by Ms Suman & Ms Jyoti

On Day - 4 i.e. 16th January 2015 special assembly was conducted where a SKIT was performed by the students of class IX A. After conveying the message of ROAD SAFETY through the skit, the information regarding "Do's and Donts" was also conveyed by Sunny Sharma of class IX.

On Day - 5 i.e. 17th January 2015 a painting competition was organized to strengthen the effect of road safety message. The overall aim of safety concern message was imparted to every student with the concluded message.


"Safety Is Not the Concern for Others, But It's for us too."

Achievement in National Series Tennis Tournament

"There is no relief at it being over. There is the joy of winning it."

It was a moment of pride when our top seed Sachitt Sharma of class VIII was a winner in Under-14 category in National Series (NS) tournament held at R.K. Khanna Tennis Stadium, Delhi from 5th January 2015 to 10th January 2015.

We applaud for Sachitt and wish him all the best for his bright future.

Mock session of parliament on 31-12-2014

Mock session of parliament was conducted on 31st December 2014 by the students of class VII to XI. They introduced the bill in Lok Sabha on the topic "beautification of the country especially the capital, DELHI." Students took part enthusiastically and enacted as various ministers such as finance minister, health minister etc .They all negotiated with the opposition party .it was a well organized session and it was a great learning experience.

Achievement in Commerce Olympiad

For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward

Focusing on the same, MMpians participated in Commerce Olympiad, SAMYKSHA-2015 organised by GM Education Pitampura and the following students excelled in this field:-

Name of the student          Class                          Rank

Bhagyansha                         XII                             Ist

Vanshika Kapoor                  XII                            IInd

Mahima Threja                   XI                               Ist

Ishan  Chawla                     XI                              IInd

Students received gold and silver medals along with gifts and scholarship of Rs.5,000 and Rs3,000. Apart from this many other students got scholarship and gifts also. Indeed, this was a good platform for the students to showcase their talents.

Winner of Gold Medal

It was a moment of great pride and glory when Deepika Yadav of class X was not only selected in Floor Ball Delhi State team but also won Gold Medal in the respective game in 60th National School Games 2014 held at Yuva Shakti Model School, Sector-3, Rohini on 7th January 2015.

Cleanliness Drive by Eco Club on 31-12-2014

"Cleanliness is the emblem of purity of mind"

On this motive ECO CLUB organized "Cleanliness Drive" on 31st December 2014 broadening the student's vision of the need to clean the environment and follow clean and healthy habits. A Visit to SHEESH MAHAL was done and a rally was organized in the premises of Sheesh Mahal. PAMPHELETS were distributed to the local people by the students. A proper check of cleanliness and hygiene was made by volunteers of ECO CLUB. The volunteers of ECO CLUB undertook the responsibility to guide the students as well as the local people through slogans for not to throw garbage here and there. Students volunteer efforts shows that the motive to make them aware about cleanliness is achieved.


To promote the interest of the students on the third day of the GANIT WEEK the school conducted a maths quiz.

By mean of maths quiz students tried to learn maths by easy way. Four teams were made and name of team was given on the basis of various shapes of mathematics e.g.-triangle, square, circle, and rectangle. Three rounds were played. First round was probability round, Second round was playing with numbers round and third was puzzle round. And meanwhile some questions related to mathematics were also asked from audience. The square team won the match and rectangle was the first runner up, triangle was the second runner up. Students enjoyed a lot and simultaneously they learnt as well.


During the celebration of GANIT WEEK, an essay writing competition was held in the school in which students of class 9th and 10thparticipated. The topics of essay writing were as:


  • Applications of Maths in Real Life.
  • History of Maths.
  • Use of Maths in Games.
  • Use of Computer in Maths.
  • Use of Maths in Computer.
  • Importance of Zero.


Students has written an essay on one of the above topics. We shall select top three students with good essays?and result is yet to be declared

To be continued...


During the celebration of GANIT WEEK, a lecture was delivered to the students of class 8th to 10th by Ms. Rinku (H.O.D., Maths, M.M. Public School) on applications of mathematics in real life introducing Sh. Srinivasa  Ramanujan  and introducing his contribution to mathematical analysis, number theory infinite series and fractions.  After that, Ms. Laxmi and Ms. Jyoti  (Maths Teacher, M.M. Public School) delivered a lecture on applications of mathematics in history.  Participating students also shared their views about learning mathematics.


Summerfield school in collaboration with Expression India has organized CBSE 3RD  International lifeskills  values, genders ,school health & wellbeing summit-2014 on 10th,11th&12th Dec. In summit 180 national & international schools had participated . It is a immense pleasure that 4 students ( ayjaz hussain ,nakul goel ,mansi bal ,khushi) of  M.M PUBLIC SCHOOL, VASUDHA ENCLAVE  PITAMPURA  had participated in all the events in the SUMMIT.

On Day 1 - 10th Dec : a) Mansi bal of class IX th had participated in poster making event & won special jury  award   along   with  certificate ,medals&  .  b) secondly plenary  workshop was there  for formulating  students Charter  for peer  educators networking . c) Inaugration ceremony & concert was organized .

On Day 2-11th Dec : a)Ayjaz Hussain of class XIth had participated in ELOCUTION  & won the special recognition award along with trophy & medals amongst the participated schools .  b)On the same day our students participated in the thematic jingle event & theme song on gender & values.

On Day 3-12th Dec : a) Day of final judgement on global school health exhibition . Four students ( Ayjaz Hussain, Nakul Goel, Mansi Bal, Khushi ) of our school exhibits the stall & won special jury award in it amongst 180 national & international schools.  b)Further  workshop for Adolescent peer educators was conducted by Ms. Ameeta Bittal & Teacher/ counselor  leadership workshop conducted by Sushank Kumar.  c) On the same day performing Arts for Psychological well being -  An orientation session was also held.

On the result declaration day MS.JOLLY SHARMA got the special jury certificate for health exhibition along with participation certificate from the jury members of summit.

It was a very enriching & knowledgeable experience . Children along with teacher s enjoyed & gained knowledge in this summit. The whole event was a successful because of the joint venture of students & teachers.