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Red Day Celebration by Mont students

"The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good on you."
Tiny tots of MMPS celebrated Red colour day on April 24, 2018. Not only sweet little angels were dressed up beautifully in red colour clothes but teachers too were also in red colour dresses. The day started with introduction of red colour and display of red colour objects like Tomato, Crayon, Apples, Apron etc. and continued with activities related to red colour. All children participated and were very happy. They were amused seeing all red around them. A lovely day passed by with getting introduced to the colour of love ? Red Colour.

Hand Wash Activity by Health & Hygiene Club

Hand Wash activity was conducted by Health & Hygiene club on 24th April 2018 for classes II and III. Students learnt the correct ways of washing the hands through a display chart and demonstration of hand wash activity using towel and soap or dispenser. They learnt how they can protect themselves from germs by washing their hands before and after every meal and every time they use toilets. This workshop turned out to be informative. 

Cleanliness Drive by SAC Club

MMPS has always believed in inculcating moral values, empathy and basic essential social skills among the students to make them a better human being. So to sensitize and create awareness about cleanliness and its benefits among the students of classes I to IX, a cleanliness drive was conducted on 24th April 2018. The students not only cleaned their respective classes and corridors with joy but also showed great interest participating in the drive. The students shared their valuable ideas and suggestions about cleanliness. The students were given some handy tips to keep their surroundings clean and they also learned the importance of labor and unity.  Thus, the whole drive was quite inspiring and motivating for the students.

Earth Day Celebration by Eco Club

Every year April 22 is observed as Earth Day worldwide to create awareness for the conservation of environment. In our school it was celebrated on 20th April 2018 by Eco Club to focus on the unique environmental challenges of our time. A rally was organized in residential areas of Pitampura. About 35 students of class VIII-B participated in the rally. The banners & slogans were the main attractions of the rally. The most important part of the campaign was the awareness about environment created by students through powerful slogans. Revered Principal madam Mrs. Rooma Pathak encouraged the students to take up more such ECO friendly initiatives to save environment. 

Hawan of Class I

"It is only when men begin to worship that they begin to grow"

The Hawan Ceremony was conducted on 20th April 2018 for classes I and III in the school to seek grace and choicest blessings of GOD. The morning began on a divine note to benefit students and to facilitate learning. The Hawan was performed religiously under the divine fervor and spirituality. Prasad was distributed to all.

Baisakhi Celebration by Mont students

Baisakhi, the harvest festival of Punjab was celebrated on April 12th, 2018, with fervour and enthusiasm by Mont students. Art and craft activities were planned for the tiny tots. Students of class L.K.G made crops with thumb impression and class U.K.G made Dholak with colorful paper glasses and enjoyed pasting of tea leaves. They were told about the value of festival for farmers of our country. At the end they all enjoyed dancing on the beat of dhol.


Excellence in Technovations Event at IIT

It was a matter of immense pride when the abstract for the topic Smart City submitted by Sanket Barman and Saurabh Wadhwa of XI was highly appreciated by the evaluation committee of IIT Delhi. The students secured 9th position in the final PPT round of the competition Technovations - TRYST 2018, The Annual Fest of IIT Delhi held on 25th February, 2018. The students and the coordinator were awarded with certificate of excellence.


To create awareness among the residents of Pitampura regarding affordable healthcare, a parade was organized by Heart Care Foundation of India (HCFI) on the occasion of World Health Day, April 7, 2018. The students of class IX enthusiastically participated in the parade from host school to Education Office carrying banners, posters, placard and bus decorated as tableau with motivating slogans depicting all aspects of affordable healthcare. It was all in all enriching and informative parade as it successfully imparted the message of protection of health in affordable means.

Colouring Activity for Mont students

Today April 4th, 2018 was the second day of the school and tiny tots returned smiling looking forward to do new activities in school. Little hands enjoyed colouring in different types of shapes. This will enhance their motor skills and also make it easy to recognize the different colours and shapes.

New Session

As the new academic session began on 3rd April 2018 i.e. Tuesday the students were highly enthusiastic to know more about the new class, new teacher and their new atmosphere. Students played with flowers, did colouring and it became more cheerful when little MMPians recited new rhymes.