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Inter Zonal Handball Senior

It was a moment of pride when Sagar Jain  and Arshad  of class XII  bagged IInd  position in Inter Zonal Handball Tournament held at Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, FU-Block, Pitampura, Delhi on 30th November 2015.

Inter Zonal Handball Sub Junior

It was a moment of pride when Kartik Bhatia and Rohan Singh Raghav of class VIII bagged IInd  position in Inter Zonal Handball Tournament held at Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, FU-Block, Pitampura, Delhi on 26th November 2015.


It was a moment of immense pleasure when following students of M.M. Public School Vasudha Enclave Pitampura achieved position first and second in Delhi /Ncr Inter School Invitational Yoga Competition 2015 which was held on 30-11-2015 at Common Wealth Games Sports village Akshardham Delhi.

Name Of Participant














Moral values are being forgotten among the younger generation of today , so to create  the  awareness among the students,about the value education and life skills like patience, tolerance , benevolence and grip over perseverance was  organized by Jagran Prakashan Sanskarshala and Dainik Jagran.The questionnaire based on  Environment, parent ?student relationship, realization of dreams ,internal beauty, overpowering of technology was   given to all the students from class III to XII on 20 November 2015 in M.M. Public School.

The Principal Ma?am Mrs. Rooma Pathak appreciated the knowledge based venture of Dainik Jagran which was quite enriching and motivating for all the students of the school. The Principal felt thatthese kind of questionnaire can instill moral education and bring a great transformation in the lives of the students.

Class XI students Sarthak  and Sakshi were excited about the exam and told that this type of exam helps to awake the moral values in us. Students of class VI Raja Ayush, Lavi, Ankita, Ankush , Sara, Srishti, Yash, Sarthak, Rittik also responded enthusiastically . Students from class X Elina, MansiBal ,Adityam, Sammy, felt  it to be quite fruitful and beneficial. Anirudh,  Himanshu , Kavish  from class XII filled  up the subjective questions based on beauty , virtues like tolerance , inner beauty and loosing of moral due to  the over powering of cyber world with their own ideas as innovative thoughts.

All in all the effort of DainikJagran helped the future generation to imbibe the golden virtues in them.  


The  Readers  club  of the school organized quiz  competition on  ?The trees I see?  in  the  school  premises  on  20th November, 2015. The students from class VII participated.   There   were 3 teams (Peepal tree, Coconut tree & Banyan tree) with two members each.  It was a tough competition with variety of questions on trees It was enjoyed by the students.  They learnt manty more things about trees. The quiz master Kapish VIII cherished the students mind with wonderful questions. The Winner team was (Coconut tree- Shivam & Saurav). The event  was  graced  with  the  presence  of Academic Incharge and Activity incharge who  endorsed   the  success  of  the  event  with  her words of appreciation. The competition was well organized by Readers club incharge .



To create awareness about Eco-Friendly  Diwali among students a speech was  delivered in the morning assembly. In this speech, DevAgnanai of class VII-A (the student) discussed the importance of Eco- Friendly Diwali. He emphasized on the point that crackers  should not be used as the degrade the environment . People must use organic colors  to make rangoli.Instead  of bursting crackers children should give gifts, sweets and toys to underprivileged people. Instead of consuming electricity people should use clay lamps to chase away the darkness as Diwali is the festival of lights.Holistic view was created among the students to save the environment. All in all it was an informative assembly to the students. 

Painting Competition under National Compaign on Energy Conseravtion 2015

To create awareness among the students on how to conserve energy, Power Finance Corporation Limited has organized painting competition on 6-11-2015. With great zeal and enthusiasm our students participated in the competition whole heartedly. It was a moment of great pride and glory when paintings made by Muskan Khan of IX and Kaustabh of  V have been selected among fifty best painting out of paintings received from various schools of Delhi. They both were awarded with cash prize of Rs. One Thousand along with momento and certificate of recognition and school bags by Power Finance Corporation Limited.   



"Whether you are on the go, in your office or at home, tech gadgets can introduce great time-saving advantages into your day, as well as make life easier."

These tech gadgets have been in use since ages but there is lot of difference in old and new gadgets available nowadays. As computer club students have always been on the edge when technology is talked about, so for students to understand the difference between old and new gadgets, understanding advantages and disadvantage, the prices that today?s generations have to pay for the new technology. And what will be good and bad effects of these new developed and developing gadgets on the future generations.

Students were made aware of all these facts and were given guided Internet facility so that they can further search the information and make project files on "Comparative Study on Old and New Gadgets" using MS-WORD.

For around a 15 working days students were working on this project and on 9th November 2015 Activity Incharge Mrs. Neeru mam visited the ICT Club to see the students work and interacted with them. She could not stop appreciating the project files made by students. Students were motivated and encouraged.

Though all files developed by students were great and finding best among those was difficult, still to announce the results it was as follows :

I - Sunny Sharma (X-A) & Sami Noor Saifi (X-A)

II - Chirag (VIII-A) & Kashish (X-C)

III - Akash Jaiswal (X-A), Rishi (VIII-A),Karan(VIII A) & Ehmad Hussain (VIII-A)


Anti-Cracker Rally was organized by Eco-Club on 03 November 2015 to create awareness about deleterious effects of burning crackers. The rally started from the school covering area around the school,colonies in vasudha enclave, and also among the residents of Shalimar Bagh near Sheesh Mahal. More than 30 students of class XA, XB, XC participated with great enthusiasm. Students prepared attractive posters and banners on ?Say No to Crackers?. Pamphlets were distributed & students also had interaction with local people. During rally students enlightened the residents about harmful effects of air and noise pollution through slogans and door to door counseling. Thus rally was successful in emphasizing the need for celebratinganEco-friendly Diwali.