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School Tour by Tiny Tots

School is the next home for children and teachers are like mothers for them.

A school visit was organized for the students of LKG and UKG on 02-05-2017 to make them comfortable in the school. They learnt about the different departments and their working. They also interacted with the teachers and the head of the departments. They observed the functioning of the institution as a family and how each is interdependent.

Debating through Blog on Be Kind Live Kind

Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and a concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and is recognized as a value in many cultures and religions and is the need of the hour for every single human being to possess it to make this world a beautiful place to be.

Student of Language club explored this by debating and sharing their views with others. They had a healthy competition where awareness was the only motive.

Students of ICT Club were also the part of the debate and they prepared their own blogs where they share their views about the topic. And finally all students published their blogs on 4th May 2017 which were very well appreciated by Principal mam and other senior teachers.

Collecting all these, a formal blog was also created which is as follows


Just a simple, small step to reach to masses and spread awareness about Be Kind Live Kind. Kindly join???

Activity on Species of Tigers by Science Club

To aware the students about the species of tiger the Science club organized an activity where a P.P.T. was shown to the students of class-VII and VIII on May 3, 2017. The students were acknowledged about the different species of tiger and the reason behind their becoming endangered. They not only learnt about the various species of Tiger but were also awakened about their role in keeping the balance in nature. All in all the activity was enriching and knowledgeable for the students.

Fables Fair

To acknowledge and enhance the knowledge of the different stories among the students a Fable Fair was organized in school?s Library on May 1, 2017 by Readers Club for classes LKG to V. Honorable Principal Madam Mrs. Rooma Pathak graced the event and encouraged the students to inculcate the habit of reading; she herself also enjoyed books displayed in the fair. Students along with their teachers took a round and were enlighten about the different moral stories. The students were excited to see the colourful books and had a fun time with books. All in all activity was exciting and entertaining.

Fancy Dress Competition of Tiny Tots

Children are like wet cement; whatever falls on them makes an impression.

A FANCY DRESS COMPETITION was conducted for the kids of L.K.G and U.K.G on 28th April 2017 to bring out the creativity and inner talent which every students hold. Students were excited and performed very well. The students were dressed up nicely in colourful attire and were carrying themselves confidently in the dresses they have chosen for themselves. Not only the students but the teachers and the audience also enjoyed their performances.

Visit To Slum Area By SAC Club

MMPS firmly believes that Cleanliness is next to godliness. So to sensitize the students about the importance of cleanliness and also to spread awareness in the society, mainly the backward areas a visit to slum area was organized by the SAC club on April 28, 2017. Under this visit all the students of class - IX participated. The main purpose of this visit was to spread the message of cleanliness and its benefits.  The people in slum areas were made aware about the adverse effects of impurity and how badly it can affect our health. They were also awakened about the benefits of various aspects of cleanliness. The slum people were educated about their surroundings and the condition they lived in, they were suggested to use bins to throw the garbage and to keep it covered to avoid any kind of insect breeding.  We made sure that the place where they keep their cattle is separated from their living areas. We talked them and also inspired them to keep their surroundings clean.  All in all the visit was quite an eye opener for the people of slum areas.

Spellathan By Hindi Club

Debate Competition by English Club

To enhance the speaking skills among the students a debate competition was organized on April 28 2017 by English Club on the topic Be Kind-Live Kind. Students participated enthusiastically and presented their views by giving real life examples. Some students expressed their views for the motion and some against the motion. Students not only enjoyed but also got enlightened from it. All in all the competition turned out to be knowledgeable and exciting for the students.

Species of Tiger by Maths club

An activity was organised by Maths Club on April 28, 2017 to sensitize the students about the decreasing population of our National Animal i.e. Tiger. Students were shown presentation on the various species of tigers. They learned about the causes and effect of reducing population of tigers through statistical analysis. Various programmes started by the government to protect tigers were also discussed and Tiger Reserves in India were shown to them. A quiz was also conducted to strengthen their knowledge on the topic. 

Flameless cooking

We are living in the world where innovations like oil-less and flameless cooking is taking over the traditional food making process. So, keeping the same objective in mind and to enhance the culinary skills, a flameless cooking activity was organized for the students of Class V on April 27, 2017. Students made puffed rice peanut balls using the ingredients like puffed rice, powdered sugar, dry fruits, honey, peanut butter and also colourful sprinklers. Students not only learnt to make the dish but also learnt its nutritious value. The students presented the dish in a very artistic way.  All in all the activity turned to be fun, enriching and exciting for the students.