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Position in Mono Acting Zonal

It was a moment of pride when Tarishi of Class IX won III position in the Zonal Mono acting held at Zonal level. Principal Madam congratulated the winner and wished her success in future competitions.

Celebration of Tree Plantation Day by Eco Club

To celebrate VAN MAHOTSAV a Tree plantation drive was organized by ECO CLUB on 8th August 2018. To save our environment various saplings of ornamental and shady trees were planted by the Principal Madam Ms. Rooma Pathak, and the students of primary wing of the school. The day proved to be a great success in spreading the awareness of importance of plantation of trees along with Eco-Club.

Hawan Ceremony of Class 4

To invoke the blessings of God for the growth and success of school and students, a Hawan Ceremony was conducted for class IV on August 8, 2018. All the rituals were performed by the priest. Students and Teachers participated with great zeal and exuberance. They chanted Gayatri Mantra. The ceremony was worthwhile in conveying religious beliefs to the pupils. Prasad was distributed to all. Blessings were given to the little MMPians.

Yellow Colour Day Celebration by Mont students

Shades of yellow stimulate our little kids with happiness, energy and optimism....





With an objective to recapitulate and reinforce the effects of yellow colour Grade Pre School and Pre Primary wing celebrated Yellow Colour day on August 7, 2018.

A day dedicated to the yellow colour was marked with children outfitted in different hues and tints of yellow. Children were not only beautifully dressed in their preferred yellow dresses but also sang melodies on yellow object and danced with joy and vigour in their respective classes to make it a complete Yellow Day!

Class activities like finger printing in banana, tearing pasting in Sunflower etc. were taken up by the teachers. The teachers were beaming with pride when the confident little commentators described the yellow objects with expressiveness, flair and ease.

The motive of celebrating Yellow colour day was to make the children aware of yellow colour, its significance and to develop fine motor skills among the students. They spent the day with utmost enjoyment.

Award of Citation

It was a moment of immense pleasure when revered Principal Mrs. Rooma Pathak was cited with Inspiring Educator Award on 31 July at The Lalit for her initiatives of being an innovator educator in present day learning. The Award was presented by Piyush Khandelwal, CEO Rocksportz amongst the other dignitaries present. The school management and staff members congratulated Principal Maam for this achievement.

Achievements in Hindi Zonal Competition


The newly elected representatives of the School Council were invested with responsibilities at the INVESTITURE CEREMONY on Saturday 4th August 2018 in the school premises. Honorable Principal Madam, Mrs. Rooma Pathak presented badges to the new leaders. Head Boy-  Bhanu Pratap and Head Girl- Ishika Rajwar  received badges along with the Assistant Head Girls, Assistant Head Boys, Sports Head Boy and Sports Head Girl, junior head Boy Arnav Sharma and Junior Head Girl Kajal along with the House Captains and Prefectorial Board Members.  Then the Oath was taken by the Prefectorial Board . Our Principal Madam, Congratulated all  the newly elected leaders and stressed on the significance priorities and need to be honest, sincere and dedicated towards their duties. She also reminded them that they are the torch bearers of all the Values that the School holds and should  be responsible for the commitment and integrity. The Ceremony concluded with national anthem . Everyone wished good  luck and great success to the leaders for a fruitful year ahead .

Winner in Zonal Competition

It was a matter of immense pride and pleasure when Rahul Bhutani of class XII A won third position in English Recitation Competition held at zonal level on 4 August 2018 at Maxfort School Pitampura. His poem based on patriotism won appreciation of the judges.

The school congratulates him and wishes him success in his next endeavor.

Achievements in Art & Craft Zonal Competition

It was a moment of immense pleasure when students not only take interest and participate in Art & Craft competitions but also win positions too. Following students got positions in different Zonal Art & Craft competition

  • Manvi Bal of class VIII achieved I Position in poster cum slogan (English) Competition held at Spring Days School, Ashok Vihar on 27th July 2018.
  • Himanshu Pandey of class VIII achieved I Position in poster cum slogan (Hindi) competition held at Spring Days School, Ashok Vihar on 27th July 2018.
  • Ishika Chauhan of class VII achieved II Position in Sculpture Making Competition held at SV FU Block Pitampura on 27th July 2018.
  • Piyush Gupta of class IX achieved II Position in Drawing Competition held at DL DAV ND Block Pitampura on 26th July 2018.
  • Shivani & S. Abhinya of class VIII achieved III Position in Collage Making Competition held at SV FU Block Pitampura on 27th July 2018.

Hindi Poem Recitation by Pre-primary students

Reading through books is not only medium of learning but fun filled activities and competitions enhance the learning process. Keeping this in mind a Hindi Recitation competition was organized for the pre-primary classes on July 17th & 18th, 2018.

These kinds of activities help the child to develop confidence, improve vocabulary and also help the students to get rid of stage fear. Students performed different rhymes along with the actions.