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WWF-India’s Model Conference of Parties (MCOP5)

MMPains attended WWF-India’s Model Conference of Parties (MCOP5) from 10 to 12 July 2024. It is a global Conference of the Parties under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP) which serves as a platform for young people to participate in environmental governance and conservation action.

Interaction with distinguished experts like Dr. Erach Bharucha (Director of Environment Education & Research, Bharati Vidyapeeth) and Ms. Naaz Rizvi (Director of the National Museum of Natural History) gave practical insights and knowledge about attaining the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, reversing biodiversity loss by 2030, and achieving net zero emissions by 2050. They also interacted with student delegates from various states to navigate real-world challenges and build a sustainable future.

The conference enhanced the creativity of MMPians to take bold action for biodiversity conservation.

Hawan : A Divine Way to Fitness

Hawan : A Divine Way to Fitness
To address common student concerns like health, stress, and focus, Students of class 6th to participated in the Hawan Ceremony.
The Hawan fire, fuelled by specific offerings, is believed to have a cleansing effect on the environment, potentially reducing the presence of bacteria. The chanting of mantras provided a calming and soothing atmosphere, promoting improved concentration during studies.
The ceremony fostered a positive and supportive environment, potentially helping students overcome difficulties.
#hawanpooja #sprituality #positivity #MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinactivities #bestschoolinpitampura #improveconcentration #stressfree #DivineBlessings

Wild Animals ‘My Performance’

Wild Animals ‘My Performance’
“Wilderness without wildlife is just scenery.”
¬¬¬-Lois Crister-
Little Munchikins of Grade U.K.G. enthusiastically participated in Show and tell competition, on July 10, 24. Children were super excited to show and tell about their favourite WILD ANIMALS. Children shared facts about different animals. Apart from their academic syllabus they learnt a lot about different animals. They enhance their creative and speaking skills and engaged as confident speakers.
#Wildlife #MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinpitampura #bestschoolinactivities #creativity #ShowAndTellActivity #nature #youngpals

Yellow Colour Day

Yellow Colour Day
Beams of yellow shades carried the promise of a positive future flashing creative thoughts in true young minds.
Yellow colour day was celebrated on July 10’,24 by the little pals of grade L.K.G The motive of celebrating yellow colour day was to make the children aware of colour, its significance and to develop fine motor skills in the students.
The whole corridor was decorated with yellow balloons and cut outs. Students were all dressed up in a different hues and tints of yellow. The colour of wisdom and intellectual energy had positive vibes in our tender tots. They also spoke about yellow colour objects which they brought from home.
Indeed it was a day of learning.
#MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinactivities #bestschoolinpitampura #YellowColourDay #youngpals #yellowday #colourobjects #positivevibes

Hawan: A Path to Good Health and Well Being

Hawan: A Path to Good Health and Well Being
To promote student well-being through environmental purification and personal development, Hawan was organized for the students of class 9th.
Hawan offerings, including medicinal herbs, released beneficial fumes that cleansed the surrounding air. These fumes are believed to possess therapeutic properties. Additionally, the rhythmic chanting of hymns offered a calming and purifying effect on the minds of the students.
The ceremony incorporated meditation, allowing students to rejuvenate themselves and enhance their focus, potentially leading to improved academic performance.
#positivity #meditation #purificationoftheheart #MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinactivities #bestschoolinpitampura #chants #spirituality #positiveaura

Plantation Day by Primary students

Plantation Day by Primary students
“He that plants trees loves others besides himself.” -Thomas Fuller
Keeping the spirit of Vanmahotsav alive Students of grade 1 & 2 initiated a plantation drive as part of preserving Flora & Fauna.
The aim of the drive was to raise awareness among students about the importance of trees for the environment and to encourage them to participate in activities that help to protect the environment.
Children brought pots seeds and saplings from their home and were helped by the gardener to plant the seeds and saplings and further take care of them. Little pals participated with zeal & enthusiasm in planting watering, pruning and monitoring the growth and taking care of plants present in the school premises.
It was indeed a day where in kids got hand on experience in gardening and awareness of planting trees.
#MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinactivities #bestschoolinpitampura #floraandfauna #environmentallyfriendly #lovetrees #plantingtrees #gardening #TreePlantation #treesarefriends

Unveiling Inner Strength: NCC Cadets Celebrate International Yoga Day

Unveiling Inner Strength: NCC Cadets Celebrate International Yoga Day

On June 21st, 2024, the NCC cadets of MMPS commemorated International Yoga Day with a vibrant display of invigorating asanas. These postures aimed to enhance the students' physical and mental well-being, fostering a sense of energy and focus.

Spearheaded by the esteemed yoga teachers, Mr. Gajender and Mr. V.S. Rana, the session gracefully guided the students through a series of postures, including Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Akarna Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose), and Salabhasana (Locust Pose). The atmosphere crackled with a palpable energy, brimming with hope for a healthy future. The students who are enjoying their summer vacation also did asanas at home which is praiseworthy.

Witnessing the young generation embrace this ancient Indian tradition was a truly inspiring sight. Their dedication to yoga not only strengthens their bodies and minds but also serves as a testament to keeping the rich cultural roots of India alive.

#internationalyogaday2024 #yogaforall #HealthyLiving #studentactivities #summervacation #mindfulness #MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinactivities #yogainspiration #yogadayeveryday #mindfulness

Special Assembly on International Yoga Day

Special Assembly on International Yoga Day

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”

To celebrate the physical and spiritual prowess that yoga has brought to the world, our school organized a special assembly.

Mr. Piyush Tiwari, a renowned yoga expert with over 20 years of experience graced the celebration with his esteemed presence. He delivered an inspiring speech emphasizing the significance of yoga in achieving a harmonious balance between body and mind. He shared valuable insights from his extensive experience, highlighting how regular yoga practice can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Following the speech, our school students showcased their talent through an artistic yoga performance. The students demonstrated various yoga poses with grace and precision, reflecting their dedication and training.

The International Yoga Celebration concluded with a vote of thanks to Mr. Tiwari for his enlightening address and to the students for their impressive performance.

Thus, the special assembly on International Yoga Day was an enriching experience for all the students reinforcing the importance of yoga as a way of life.

#InternationalYogaDay #yogaforall #SpecialAssembly #yogacelebration #MMPUBLICSCHOOL #bestschoolinactivities #yogainspiration #yoga #sprituality

MMPians shine at TERI EIACP Poster Making Competition

In the Inter-School Poster Making Competition organized by TERI EIACP, four students from our school were felicitated by the honorable guests Dr. Dipankar Saharia, Senior Fellow & Senior Director, TERI and Dr. P K Bhattacharya, Senior Fellow and Associate Director TERI in the Felicitation Ceremony held on Tuesday, 5 June 2024 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The theme of the competition was land restoration, combating desertification and enhancing drought resilience.

Winners were:

• Kavyansh: 1st place in the Class 8 group

• Ankita Chanderwal: 2nd place in the Class 9 group

• Ruhma Ansari: 2nd place in the Class 7 group

• Taniya Rai: 3rd place in the Class 9 group

The event also featured an Environment Day celebration talk imparting the ideas to restore the environment for posterity. Our Principal, Mrs. Rooma Pathak, congratulated the students on their artistic skills and their ability to effectively represent their ideas for environmental love

Tree Plantation Drive on World Environment Day

Tree Plantation Drive on World Environment Day

To commemorate the World Environment Day with a focus on the theme of ‘Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience’, students enthusiastically planted the saplings in their nearby areas on Wednesday, 5 June 2024.

Committed to a greener future, the students pledged to nurture the young trees, ensuring their survival and contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.